• Resolved rayuela1


    Hi, I am using Nelio External Featured Images for my webpage. This is what I did to bring this image and not any of the others that are on the post:

    Edit –> /pages/grid-wud-base.php

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    // Parameter set featured image as primary
    {$wud_feat_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID),'large');
    // What I included - BEGIN
    if ( function_exists( 'uses_nelioefi' ) &&
    uses_nelioefi( $post->ID ) ) {  $wud_feat_image = array( nelioefi_get_thumbnail_src( $post->ID ) );}
    // What I included - END

    The bad news is that you have to edit this any time there is an update of the plug in, but it worth. The good news is there is no need to hurry to do it because the plugin itself takes another image instead.

    Hope this help.



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  • Plugin Author AccountClosed


    Thanks for using our plugin!
    We have added the custom code to our sources, so you do not have to change it every time.

    This will be available in version 1.0.3


    // Parameter set featured image as primary
    				if($gwfuncs['grid_wud_set_featured_img']=='1'){$wud_feat_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID),'large');}
    				if ( function_exists( 'uses_nelioefi' ) &&
    				uses_nelioefi( $post->ID ) ) {  $wud_feat_image = array( nelioefi_get_thumbnail_src( $post->ID ) );}

    This is done in: grid-wud-base.php + grid-wud-content.php + grid-wud-xtra.php
    Regards, Danny

    Thread Starter rayuela1


    Great job! Thank you!!! ??

    Thread Starter rayuela1


    Hi! I updated the plug in and it doesn’t bring any external image: only blank space. ??

    I uploaded again the 1.0.2 version because that was working to me!

    As this issue is related to another plugin I suggest that may be you don’t include this in your code or that may be you contact the guy (he is very accesible) and work together in the best way to use this code, as I used something he suggested to me.

    Thank you anyway… ?? your plug in rocks!

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    You mean that the elio External Featured Images does not work anymore?
    Anything else stil works?
    Try [shift] + [f5] and [ctrl] + [f5].
    Please let me know the results.
    Regards, Danny

    Thread Starter rayuela1


    Still doesn’t bring any image. Only blanks (I edited my prevous comment).

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    Please, uninstall the current version 1.0.3 and install the 1.0.2 version, download HERE.
    I’m currently at work and will contact you this evening.
    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    I gonna work now on a fix for this issue.
    Can you provide me an URL where it goes wrong?
    Regards, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    I will prepare a new release with a permanent solution.

    // Parameter set featured image as primary
    				if($gwfuncs['grid_wud_set_featured_img']=='1'){$wud_feat_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID),'large');
    					if ( function_exists( 'uses_nelioefi' ) && 	uses_nelioefi( $post->ID ) )
    					{  $wud_feat_image = array( nelioefi_get_thumbnail_src( $post->ID ) );}

    We forgot the “$wud_feat_image=$wud_feat_image[0];” at the end, therefore nothing was showed.
    BTW i have test it WITH: Nelio External Featured Image.

    Regards, Danny

    Thread Starter rayuela1


    Hi Danny!

    In my blog: https://rutadelmate.com

    Now I have the previous version… ??


    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    Very nice website!
    You can install now the 1.0.4 version, which i have tested with: Nelio External Featured Image (external images).
    Regards, Danny ??

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    I’ve seen you use rounded corners around the grids and buttons.
    There will be an option to set the round corner/ border radius from 0 -> 20px.
    This you can set yourself, with version 1.0.5 , which will be available soon .
    Also in a hover action will continue to the corners rounded off.

    Any new idea/ suggestion is welcome!

    Regards, Danny

    Thread Starter rayuela1


    Hey Danny, I updated the plugin and it works great! ??

    Thank you!

    And yeah! I didn’t say anything about that (the rounded corners) because it is something about design, not structural like “all my photos are in an external database”. But great to hear that you are going to do something with that. ?? Thanks again.

    And I have one suggestionnnn ?? (related with design, sorry lol) I tried to change manually the “font family” of the title of the post, but when I did, it changed everything, also the excerpt. I have different fonts for post title and post content. I think you wrote the code as “inherit”, but it “inherit” the post content font only. Well, for me the font inheritated it’s fine for this purpose, but just saying…… ??

    Cheers, Flor

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    Hi Flor,

    Thank you for your positive comments!
    I go to TRY, to add a custom font-family for the excerpt + title + button.
    There you told me that everything is running well, i will wait to launch 1.05 and add the custom font-family to this release.
    It will take some time to finish this, there i have to change it in the CSS & PHP code.

    Have a nice day & cheers, Danny

    Plugin Author AccountClosed


    Hi Flor,

    1.0.5 is ready ??
    * Possibility of placing rounded corners around the grids or buttons.
    * Parameter to determine size of the rounded corners.
    * Font family selection (10) for the header, excerpt and/or button.

    Enjoy our plugin(s)
    Regards, Danny

    Thread Starter rayuela1



    Thank you!!! ??

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