It works, but only in its own peculiar way!
We just concluded the first Hastings LitFest using Event Pro. Here are the major issues that meant that I could not hand over responsibility to anyone else or use it next year unless it gets a major update:
? No facility for multiple Stop Press and key sales messages needed prominently on front page;
? does not allow re-ordering of front page features (“Our Speakers”, “Program”, “Features” etc);
? the use of ‘posts’ for events on the program is unsatisfactory (inserting additional events and re-timing create ridiculous problems involving editing the time and date of posts);
? whenever a browser clicks ‘back’ to get to day 2 or day 3 of program, s/he is taken to day 1;
? adding more people to the ‘Our Speakers’ feature is ludicrously cumbersome and needs updating in two places if you use the Pro feature to show speakers on their own page in addition to the front page;
? note: My Ticket sales mechanism can be put on Posts but the ticketing mechanism ignores ‘read more’ breaks and clogs up the outline Program with ‘buy tickets’ forms on every event.
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