Yes, I see its a problem of TinyMCE in the editor, as It does exactly the same on the Pages editor in wordpress itself …
I have found some to put on functions.php of the template used, to modify some of the behaviour of the TinyMCE is this :
function override_mce_options($initArray) {
$opts = '*[*]';
$initArray['valid_elements'] = $opts;
$initArray['extended_valid_elements'] = $opts;
return $initArray;
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'override_mce_options');
With this code, the above example becames a little better, like this :
<page size="A4" class="some_page_class"></page>
<div class="some_div_class">
Some Text
It still removes the “link” line, but keeps the “page” one…. BUT… it closes all things (the page and the div) … so well, not really working (i.e to make a “header block” or things like.
BUT…. is a starting point, for someone with better knowledge …. It would be really good if the damn Tiny does not close the tags, and also, if not remove the link line as well… I really cant find what to change.
//// Talking about the plugin….
A great function that the plugin needs… is a way to detect what blocks have “%%variables%%”, and ask you to fill the variables when you are inserting the “shortcode” from the visual editor. You know… I do not need this… I need this, to make my clients can do some things with the blocks I can prepare for them.
Basically because of this TinyMCE I suppose…. you cant also use the “insert full content (not the shortcode)”, basically… because the code that gets inserted, is missing the same tags or have the same auto-close errors, that you have with the editor when making the block as we talked above.
So… the other option is to insert the shortcode… wich is okey… exept if you have variables… because it dont insert the code with the variables, and makes the user in the need to go to the Text Mode, to manually add the name=”values” for each one. And believe me, most “normal” people, will not really do this.
I basically use the blocks to do some “pre-built” reports, I use around 10 blocks, including different headers, and footers for different pages types, in some of the blocks, they need to put some variables … like: title, subtitle, url, colorcode, etc. some is just text, some is color numbers, or a url of a image.
So they insert the [HEADER] tag
go to the visual composer and do some stuff there (tables, text, put images, etc.)
and then they insert the [FOOTER] tag
and voilà… they do some content, using my predefined format.
So the problem is that … I cant make them do this, because they need to manually put the variables (as the insert tag, does not contemplate them) and you know… “visual composer” people, usually have a special touch to screw up the code with a single touch.
Believe me, I would even purchase something that really do what I need to do…