• I have set up 6 sites with word press now and I am working on setting up my 7th. The famous 5 minute install NEVER works for me. NOT ONCE in all the times I have done this does it work. I even waited two days before I tried to make sure the server was set up and the domain was working. NADA..

    I FTP the files up. I try the admin/install and NOPE..
    I open the Config file and enter all the information and NOPE..
    I double check the database, Yep. RELOAD.. NOPE FAIL..

    Its so frustrating. NEVER once has this worked for me.

    What am I missing? I follow all the instructions to the letter and write down EVERY user name and passowrd and Data Base name and triple check it all.

    NOPE.. FAIL..

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    You seem to have a problem with your CAPS LOCK key. Or maybe you’re shouting. It’s OK to be frustrated, but…. ?? Anyhow

    Where are you setting up these WP sites? Let’s focus on hosting stuff first.

    Right now, I see a database connection error.

    Is the database actually running? Can you access it via phpmyadmin?

    Hi thompsonaire,
    It looks like you are missing with database configuration. Could you please share more details about Database that you have configured for this?


    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    Is the database actually running? Can you access it via phpmyadmin?

    I think so? I can go in and open a thing that looks like a database control panel.

    I do not know how to show you what I am seeing but that is ok since I dont know what it is.

    what is UTM8? It said UTM8uf4 or something like that. I remember one time I changed it to UTM8 and it worked. So I do not know if the uf4 is supposed to be on there or not. I tried to find that info in the database but I can not find were I found it before.

    I only know enough to make a big mess not fix anything.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Where are you hosting your site?

    Thread Starter thompsonaire



    I have triple checked everything three times. That means I have looked at every thing 9 times. No idea. Everything is correct. This is how every setup I have ever done goes. Somehow it ends up working but I end up trying 600 things so there is no way to tell what I did that made it work.

    I end up spending 6 hours each time I do a 5 minute install. Someone forgot to put the 6 hour part in the install instructions.

    “The Famous 6 hour & 5 minute install”

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    I’ve never had this issue, so it’s either your host or you. ??

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    Does that look right? The part, (‘DB_COLLATE’,”): Looks weird with two ” and nothing in between. Is there supposed to be something between the ” or should I take that out?

    Yes it is my host or me. I do not know enough to be able to tell. Or how to fix it and I am doubtful anyone can help but it does not hurt to ask. Any information can teach me something even if it does not solve this it is helpful information. I learn from everyone as much as I can.

    Thank you all!

    I routinely setup sites on both localhost and various hosting servers, I just follow the instructions, though the 5 minutes has some poetic license.
    However the steps have to be done in the nominated order. I notice that you FTP then admin/install BEFORE the config file and database, bound to end in tears.

    I copy/paste everything possible in the text around configuring and setup, nothing gets re-keyed EVER, this includes database names, usernames, passwords etc.

    I have the following organisation of local files:

                           wp-config<client>.php (all clients like this)

    So that using filezilla I can instigate the core file upload, and then put up selected themes and plugins and housekeeping files too. Then some get renamed.

    Setting things up this way is really boring.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    is fine. WP will punt and go with its current default collation.

    Does your host meet the minimum recommendations for WP hosting?

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    Thank you Ross,

    I do not have any idea what you just said. I also do not know what it means. But I am sure you were trying to be helpful.

    I copy/paste everything possible in the text around configuring and setup, nothing gets re-keyed EVER, this includes database names, usernames, passwords etc.

    Iza Gots NO clue??, re-keyed is what you do when you loose your car keys. They rekey the car.

    as I said thank you for trying. I have no idea what you mean.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    Hi Steve,

    I do not know. I believe so. My other sites are running just fine. Doubtfull that my host or WP has changed in the last few weeks.

    I do not know what I have done wrong but each time I go thur this. This time I figured I would ask for help. But I do not understand the questions let alone be able to answer them.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    Downloaded a fresh copy of WordPress. Unziped into a folder and then uploaded via FTP. Tried wp-admin/install no luck.

    Downloaded config sample. entered required information. Saved as config.

    Went to reginascraftycreations.com/wp-admin/setup.php Nothing
    Went to reginascraftycreations.com/wp-config.php nothing

    so I am now considered insane because I am doing the same stuff over and over and expecting a different result.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Tried wp-admin/install no luck.

    *Exactly* what happens when you just go to example.com itself?

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I get a century link page with suggestions of places to go.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Then your hosting is not correctly set up. Or… did you actually go to “example.com”? I meant what do you see if you go to yourdomain.com where you just uploaded wordpress?

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