• Resolved KemNan



    The Search found my files (I have less then ten).
    The Rebuild & Organise moved the files from the yyyy/mm to the desired wp-content/upload directory, BUT did not changed the URL in the content! ??

    I started Rebuild & Organise again and it messed up my Library as it changed the URL – by adding double slash: // (/wp-content/uploads//filename.jpg)
    And it is changed only in the Media Library – not in the Content as I expected.

    So be careful as this plugin is in its current state very dangerous!
    Have a Backup at the hand as suggested!



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  • Plugin Author Katsushi Kawamori


    Hi .Nándi.,

    Thank you for your valuable opinion.

    The following things, I was coding.
    wp-content/uploads -> wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm
    wp-content/uploads -> wp-content/uploads/folder
    wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm -> wp-content/uploads/folder

    But the following thing, I forgot the coding.
    wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm -> wp-content/uploads

    As soon as possible, I will coding.

    Plugin Author Katsushi Kawamori


    Fixed problem of conversion (wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm –> wp-content/uploads) in version 3.1.

    Thread Starter KemNan


    Thank you, I’ll give it a try! ??


    Thread Starter KemNan


    Hi Katsushi,

    It went well this time, the Media Library has been updated correctly.

    Actually I was hoping that the plugin would update the links within the pages and posts as well – I had to update them manually by editing/refreshing all the links. (Luckily I have currently only a few..)

    Is there a chance to enhance your plugin in this way?

    Thank you for your prompt help! ??

    Kind Regards,

    Plugin Author Katsushi Kawamori


    Hi .Nándi.,

    This plugins would update the links within the pages and posts.
    Previously there remains a link that failed to convert ?

    adding double slash: // (/wp-content/uploads//filename.jpg)

    It will fail in that case.

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