different solution …but good!
at the first: i use “Notepad++” when i want to edit a file, so i can see when between words there is a space as NUL (Null character, in ASCII)
you know: i simply want to put in mail notification also another field where i want simply put a signature (simply some words, not a long text).
i told you: i’m using “Subscribe to Comments” plugin + italian translation
so, i has 2 files.
not only “subscribe-to-comments.php“, where you find function send_notifications()
but also another file “subscribe-to-comments-it_IT.mo“
i edited “subscribe-to-comments-it_IT.mo” file.
in this file (line number 28), i found the words
NUL”To manage your subscriptions or to block all notifications from this site, click the link below:”
and then, in this same file (line number 51), i found below also italian translation:
NUL”Per gestire le tue iscrizioni o bloccare tutte le notifiche da questo sito, fai clic sul link seguente:”
but question is:
where i can put the code for a signature (simply some words, not a long text) in mail notification?
i simply put my signature AFTER “NUL” and BEFORE “Per gestire le tue iscrizioni o bloccare tutte le notifiche da questo sito, fai clic sul link seguente:”
for example, if i want to put a signature as “visit also my site https://www.mywebsite.com”, i will put signature like this below:
“NULvisit also my site https://www.mywebsite.com
Per gestire le tue iscrizioni o bloccare tutte le notifiche da questo sito, fai clic sul link seguente:”
i hope to help others people with this solution!
thanks ??