• UPDATE: I have just been advised this plugin is currently not in development and is not being worked on for the foreseeable future. I hope this changes but can’t wait so I need to move to another solution.

    The Great: The general way in which it works and is installed is quite good. It looks nice and clean and simple to set up. It is lighter than plugins like Woocommece and is easily in the top 2 or 3 smaller shop plugins for its purpose. The admin interface is fairly easy to follow, and page generation is oddly not needed as it uses the store inbuilt pages (unless you want create and use your own pages).

    It has ‘features’ or options might be a better word, which you can turn on and off, so only what you need is enabled.

    The product image zoom feature is a real nice addition. I have the popup setting off so the zoom is on the main product page image so it’s a cleaner look and feel.

    The Good: It is relatively easy to make css edits to make it look and feel as you want, but it does require good css knowledge. This is where I have made this into being a really usable product. Works for me ??

    Shipping works ok for Flat rate and free per product. However shipping needs a global shipping rate(s), like we may want to charge a flat $20 regardless of how many items are in their cart.

    An option to calculate shipping would be a bonus. In Australia we use Aust Post for most things and it is a weight versus size calculation. Not sure how this could be integrated into it as I think it will get quite heavy to cover it all.

    There is inventory, but I am yet to find where this can be displayed on the front end for clients to see, which is needed for limited edition items. I’m still testing this part.

    The Not So Good: While you can add, change etc css styles, it is not for the new novice user which a lot of WP users fall into. It lacks in some basic style options that should by default be available in settings. For example the number of columns in a row for products list as well as settings for responsive design that looks good out of the box without substantial css edits being required. Basic colour styles would also be helpful for such things as buttons etc. Sure this can be done in css if you are happy to get your hands dirty :). It does tell you where to place the style sheet if you do not want to just add it to your themes (child) style sheet, aka keep them separate which is a nice feature.

    The “needs more work”: The website offers no way to contact the author(s) and support on here looks limited at best, or maybe no one else is using it and hence so few support queries (or it is so good no one else needs support ?? ).

    While some documentation exists it is by no means complete. There are still issues and how to do items needed to be added, e.g. the above add columns. The website has an ‘Account’ menu item that goes to a login but no registration. Not sure what the purpose of that is for.

    Its feature list appears different to the documentation, for example no Stripe payment option.

    As I said it has great potential, I hope it will continue to be further developed.

    EDIT: The more I play with this and style it the more i like it ??

    PLEASE do not make this an “expensive monthly” product cost like Ninja Forms is. Otherwise I better choose another option. Happy to pay for a feature as needed … but not at the high prices of Ninja Forms.

    Feature Requests:

    • Integrate with Elementor blocks.
    • Be able to use a shortcode to add a product or products to a post or page (so each product has a shortcode).
    • Global shipping cost setting
    • I am interested how the ‘Membership’ feature will be implemented, it would be awesome to have it integrated with something like Ultimate Member.
    • Australian Tax Rates (GST).
    • Template files to override shop templates in theme (child)

    … more to come I am sure

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by GregW. Reason: Fix typo errors
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by GregW. Reason: While I continue to use it, I will keep my review updated to help others
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by GregW. Reason: Feature Requests
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by GregW. Reason: Notice of non development
  • The topic ‘Not in development now – Potential +++’ is closed to new replies.