OK. As I understand it, you want to keep having the link highlighted for the entire section, correct?
The issue is that a)you have multiple menus for desktop and mobile and b)your target id is set only at the beginning of each section. This means that you cannot really use plugin’s “Keep the current element highlighted until the next one comes into view” option for both desktop and mobile (that’s why it only works correctly on desktop).
In order to make this work correctly is to set the target id on the entire section you want. You can do this by wrapping your sections in elementor inside another/new elementor container/block element and give the id to that one.
For example, right now your layout is like this:
— section with id “features”
— section
— section
— section
— section
— section
— section with id “video”
— section
— section
— section with id “specs”
You should make it like this:
— wrapper element with id “features”
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “features”)
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “features”)
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “features”)
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “features”)
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “features”)
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “features”)
— wrapper element with id “video”
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “video”)
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “video”)
—- section (inside the wrapper element with id “video”)
— wrapper element with id “specs”
and so on…
Does this make sense? You just need to wrap the subsections of each section in an elementor wrapper element/block and move/set the target ID on that element.
You should also go to plugin settings and set the “Highlight selector(s)” option value to:
Let me know