Hi, I am happy to give my comments on this.
However, I am not sure whether I have fully understood the plugin. For me, it refers to the features listed regarding the user name or nickname that can be displayed in the menu. I probably had the idea that this was the user menu, but I couldn’t find any settings there. It obviously refers to the WordPress dashboard. However, I do not want to show this to the logged in users, because it is rather confusing.
I can solve this with other plugins, such as “Dashboard Access”, but then I no longer see the name of the logged in user.
It might be helpful if there were options that the user information that is available for selection is not available as a link, but overwrites the displayed name of a menu item. For example, a menu entry means “Member Area” and if a user logs in that then this text is replaced with the user information until he logs off again.
On this occasion I noticed another plugin from you: “Content Control”. I will try that soon, because I am looking for a simple way that I want to make certain pages visible only to certain registered user roles.
I wish you a good time.