Hi there,
Let’s try to address your questions one by one as I’m a bit confused about some of them.
1) “How can I place the manually entered address on the map?” – This is not possible in LPAC. The plugin will detect the location you select on the map and then input that data into the shipping/billing fields and you can then edit them as you wish. On a subsequent order, the address shown on the marker will be the one that was placed in the address field (Address 1) including any modification you made to it.
If you make use of the Places Autocomplete feature then selecting an address from the dropdown suggestions would move the marker to the location on the map.
2) “You can see that there is no map for any order like this:” – If there is no “View” button then it means that the map was not used for the order, as in there is no location data for the order so the button does not appear and the map will not appear on the order edit screen.
3) “If I manually drag the map marker to an address, it is entered automatically in the form field, BUT IT’S WRONG!” – Can you please tell me what is wrong about the address in this screenshot? https://imgbb.com/7rkFbCL
Note that the plugin works by detecting the customer’s location and then allowing them to move the marker if it’s not 100% accurate. Moving the marker would automatically fill in the shipping/billing fields with the address details but a customer can edit those address details if it’s not 100% correct, but the GPS coordinates will be present in the order so you can make your delivery/pickup.
If a customer does not make use of the map, then there will be no coordinates so no map will show for the admin.