I’m still waiting for an answer. If you only solve this through custom work, please tell me how much you charge for the following:
If you’re looking to hire someone, you can post the job here.
A)Fix the X button that’s displayed at the upper right corner of the analytics panel: it’s messed up.
Using the indications I gave you, you can quickly find out what’s generating the issue.
B)A “/#1” is added to the URL when you access the analytics panel, which shouldn’t happen.
That’s a requirement, not a bug. Anyone messing with that it shouldn’t be hired :).
C)Restrict analytics view to that user’s products. Also, the analytics tool isn’t being displayed in the toolbar at the product’s page, like here: https://www.wheelofcommerce.com/johanschneider/store/products/beach-9/
The basic idea here is that if you’re logged in you should be able to check the analytics for a product’s page if that product is from your store.
My guess is that this requirement will need a custom addon developed for your store. Although the link should be available for those pages too (see Frontend Settings).
D)Remove the “report generated by GADWP” from the lower right corner of the analytics panel.
Warning: scandir(/home/wheelofcommerce/public_html/wp-content/plugins/private-messaging/app/addons/bbpress-intergration/app/models): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/wheelofcommerce/public_html/wp-content/plugins/private-messaging/app/addons/bbpress-integration.php on line 73
Warning: scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in /home/wheelofcommerce/public_html/wp-content/plugins/private-messaging/app/addons/bbpress-integration.php on line 73
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wheelofcommerce/public_html/wp-content/plugins/private-messaging/app/addons/bbpress-integration.php on line 76″
Those errors are generated by the “private-messaging” plugin, not by GADWP.