Issues with tax since last update
Since update 6.0.8 bundles aren’t allowed to order by customers. We’ve got an tax error. How to solve this?
[2022-03-18T07:01:58+0000] Error executing API call (422: Unprocessable Entity): Order line 1 is invalid. VAT amount is off. Expected VAT amount to be €0.00 (-€2.96 × (0.00% / 100.00%)), got -€0.51. Documentation: Request body: {“status”:422,”title”:”Unprocessable Entity”,”detail”:”Order line 1 is invalid. VAT amount is off. Expected VAT amount to be \u20ac0.00 (-\u20ac2.96 \u00d7 (0.00% / 100.00%)), got -\u20ac0.51″,”field”:”lines.1.vatAmount”,”_links”:{“documentation”:{“href”:””,”type”:”text/html”}}}. Field: lines.1.vatAmount
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