• Resolved peshogosho1


    Hi i use the pro version of the vik rent car plugin i and i have everything else dialed in, the cars, the info the tax- everything, but now i want to set up the payments.

    I have published the PayPal method and added my business email and when i try to pay it says “Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.”, when i try to pay with offline card it sends me an email that looks like this (not censoring anything it looks like this) “

    [email protected]

    Sun, Sep 1, 4:30?PM (2 days ago)

    to me

    Order ID: 17

    Credit Card Number: 5***********0282 (Mastercard)
    Valid Through (mm/yy): 08/27
    VBCCCVV: 123
    First Name: Ivan
    Last Name: Lambev

    Total to Pay: BGN 80.00


    Where can i see the full details from the card so i could withdraw the money, I’ve searched the database but nothing was found?

    I’ve read the documentation and the knowledge base i think this is the closest: https://extensionsforjoomla.com/help/documentation/vik-rent-car#payment-processor

    But still i cant find anything helpful

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author e4jvikwp



    Thanks for your message. For features related to the Pro/commercial version of the plugin, we strongly suggest getting in touch with our team through our support ticketing platform. This way we can provide better assistance and we won’t risk to go off-topic on this forum. Thanks in advance for your understanding!

    What we can say is that the PayPal generic error message is usually caused by an invalid transaction currency code defined in the Configuration settings of the plugin. Your currency name should be a valid ISO code of 3 chars. Usually, the error code is displayed in the URL of the landing page displaying the error on the PayPal website, and it’s either an issue with the currency, with the formatted total amount, or with your account settings.

    Instead, the Offline Credit Card payment method will never store the credit card details in full on the same database for reasons related to PCI-DSS compliance. This means that the missing part of the card details should have been sent via email to the administrator address. The administrator is the only one who could re-construct the full card details by merging the details received via email with the information saved within the rental order details. Moreover, you need to use a sort of a Virtual Terminal interface with your own bank in order to be able MOTO (offline) transactions with CC details collected through this particular payment option.

    Please get in touch with our team by opening a support ticket on our dedicated website for any kind of questions related to payments.

    Thank you!
    The VikWP Team

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