• Dear Polylang Team,

    I am experiencing an issue with adding translations to existing pages on my WordPress website using Polylang. Here are the steps I’ve followed:

    1. Created pages in Italian (IT).
    2. Duplicated these pages and translated them into English (EN)
    3. Connected the IT and EN pages using the language screen element. This worked perfectly.

      Next, I:
    1. Duplicated the IT pages and translated them into German (DE).
    2. Connected the DE pages to the IT and EN pages using the language screen element.

    However, the problem arises here:

    • In the DE pages, the IT and EN pages are correctly connected.
    • But in the IT and EN pages, the DE pages are not connected. When I try to manually add the DE pages, no suggestions appear. Even if I manually type and save them, the pages still are not associated with each other.

      As a result, this issue occurs:
    1. On the DE page (e.g., https://www.btrade.biz/de/leistungen/stahlrohstoffe/metallics/), switching to IT or EN works correctly.
    2. On the IT page (e.g., https://www.btrade.biz/servizi/materie-prime-siderurgiche/metallics/), switching to DE redirects to the homepage instead of the corresponding DE page. Same with EN page.

      Additional Information:
    • I am using the Salient theme.
    • Important plugins installed: Yoast SEO, WordFence, WP Fastest Cache.
    • All themes and plugins are up to date.

      Could you please assist me in resolving this issue so that all language versions are properly linked?

    Thank you for your help!

    Best regards,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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