Issues caused confusions in Dokan
Several points or issues that makes us and Dokan users really confused, even if we used for several months.
I also noted that Dokan users asked for support upon these points again and again.
1# # Here are reasons why we ask for solve these issue natively in Dokan options or settings:
(1) These confusions issue can be fixed by the code snippets, but that is not ideal method, because it might cause the issue of the WordPress Warning: “There is a seriously Error on your site”.
(2) We really expect Dokan Team can solve these points natively in Dokan plugin options or setting. Also, it will much easy for us to debug if an issue suddenly happens.
(3)I saw the support topic in the support forum again and again by the users, and Dokan reply to these similar questions one by one, that means these are really common issues faced by every Dokan users. So, the methods by Code snippets should never be permeant way to fix all of those issues.
(4) Dokan plugin is always updated periodically, and it is really hard for us to maintain a long list of codesnipts.
Clear these confused issues will definitely help this plugin more user-friendly and for the user to go ahead for Pro.
Trust me, that is just what we am experienced now.
2## Here is a list of points which should be solved natively in Dokan option or setting by optionally disabling them.
- Dokan Disable Vendor Registration
remove_action( ‘woocommerce_register_form’, ‘dokan_seller_reg_form_fields’ );
2.Hide Admin Account From Vendor List In Dokan Backend
function exclude_some_sellers_users( $seller_args ) {
$seller_args[‘role__in’] = array( ‘seller’ ); // add here roles
return $seller_args;
add_action( ‘dokan_rest_get_stores_args’, ‘exclude_some_sellers_users’, 10 );
It seems there are confusion upon the roles between administrator and Vendor, and Dokan take Administrator roles as vendor by default, and Vendor info will be shown on the product page by default too, even if you hide the Administrator from the Vendor list, and really confused.
3.Remove Dokan vendor info or seller name on cart and checkout page
remove_filter( ‘woocommerce_get_item_data’, ‘dokan_product_seller_info’, 10 );
This is definitely redundant. Who care about when a customer checkout?
Also, please note we are trying our best to improve conversation rate, fast and express checkout is always our aim on a Woocommerce site.
4.Hide Dokan vendor name from All order emails
remove_action( ‘woocommerce_order_item_meta_start’, ‘dokan_attach_vendor_name’, 10 );
Who care about this the vendor? If you place an order on Amazon, do you really cared the vendor? No. they only care about when they can receive the item after placing an order, and they will raise questions upon Amazon even if there is any issue.
Actually, the vendor name will cause the customer confused, and cause lots of questions, and they might ask why there is a vendor that is different with the website name. Is this a scam website?
5.Remove the “Become a Vendor” button of Dokan in My account Page
remove_action( ‘woocommerce_after_my_account’, array( Dokan_Pro::init(), ‘dokan_account_migration_button’ ) );
Please note there are different marketing promote channels for different purpose.
But, supposing a buy to become a vendor is never be a promote way.
6. remove Dokan Vendor shipping: Vender-Name on checkout page
remove_filter( ‘woocommerce_shipping_package_name’, ‘dokan_change_shipping_pack_name’);
Is there any help to improve conversion rate? No
7.remove Dokan More Products tab seller on product page
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_tabs’, ‘wcs_woo_remove_more_seller_product_tab’, 98 );
function wcs_woo_remove_more_seller_product_tab($tabs) {
return $tabs;
There is no way to set quatiity of vendor More products, also, please note there are always native “related product” on woocommerce theme natively.
So, if you like provide “Morde products” under a product, why not provide setting option to set rows and quatity of “more products”?
8.remove Dokan Seller info tab on product page
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_tabs’, ‘dokan_remove_seller_info_tab’, 50 );
function dokan_remove_seller_info_tab( $array ) {
unset( $array[‘seller’] );
return $array;
In some situations, seller info tab on product page will cause customer confused when we just try to use at beginning, because the administrator is not vendor, but Adminsitror will be show as vendor on all of products.
9. Set No-index to Dokan vendor Archeive page
add_filter( ‘rank_math/frontend/robots’, function( $robots ) {
$url = home_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]);
if (strpos($url, ‘/store/’)) { //replace ‘store’ with the base of the vendor pages
$robots[‘index’] = ‘noindex’;
return $robots;
There is index duplicated issue if Rankmath work as SEO plugin, so set vendor archive page to be not index will helpful according to support by Rankmath.
Just image how a Dokan user maintain such long list of code snippets?
Especially, there is no notification even if there is update in your changlog. right?
Really expect you can fix these points.
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