• Hi, this is a bug report. I checked beforehand that all plugins and WordPress versions are up to date on the website. Additionally, I was able to reproduce the issue on a different website with a slightly different setup and a different version of WordPress.

    When searching for “updraft”, the settings page of the UpdraftPlus plugin is found, but it’s corrupted. On the found page, Updraft displays the following message: “Warning: If you can still read these words after the page finishes loading, then there is a JavaScript or jQuery problem on the site.”

    I think the reason for this issue is that Updraft cannot apply its JavaScripts properly due to an unexpected URL path that is returned by your plugin. When opening Updraft’s settings via the menu, the error doesn’t occur and all dynamic JS features of the page function as usual.

    The correct URL used in the Settings submenu is:

    However, the URL found by Admin Search is:

    Can you correct the URLs returned for admin pages, to match the exact Menu’s URL? Perhaps it’s a flaw in UpdraftPlus, but I believe this would be a general improvement for Admin Search that might fix a number of similar issues.

    Thanks for your attention to this issue.

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