• Hi, i really appreciate your work VERY MUCH, this is amazing plugin, best chat plugin by far
    but i have few small issues that i hope you will be able to help me resolve

    1. I translate plugin with Loco Translate and whenever i update plugin all translated messages are reset then i have to translate it again (its only happening with this BetterMessages plugin) it doesn’t keep translated messages, they are reseted when i update plugin

    2. How to change URL? currently is


    how to change that bp-messages#/conversation/2 to something else
    i have site or my country and everything is translated on our langague, 100% translated and having this looks bad..is there any way to change it?

    3. Getting warning in console by BP-Messages

    a) “An AudioContext was prevented from starting automatically. It must be created or resumed after a user gesture on the page.”

    b) This page uses a non-standard “zoom” feature. Consider using calc() in the corresponding property values, or using the “transform” property together with “transform-origin: 0 0”.

    c) MouseEvent.mozInputSource is deprecated. Use PointerEvent.pointerType instead.

    d) This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/performance/scroll-linked_effects.html for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features!

    I really appreciate your work and this is amazing plugin but can you please help me resolve this issues?

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  • Plugin Author wordplus


    Hi there!

    1. Try to change translation location in LocoTranslate editor.
    2. If you are using BuddyPress, that is doable in plugin settings, but “conversation” part is not translatable at the moment.
    3. Warnings in console is not something I can help with, as this is not an error, but just warning and that is not possible to avoid in some cases.


    Thread Starter luka007


      1. Okay, i’ll try that
      2. I’m not using buddypress, i’m only using Better Messages
      Is there a chance to add ability to translate/change those two things, my site is whole translated except that part “bp-messages#/conversation/2” i will donate as much money you want can you add that on to-do-list or explain me how can i do it if you are not planning to add it globally, its very crucial for my site to not have everything translated
      3. I understand but warnings are thrown because the way code is created, it can be fixed, for example adding ability for users to turn off messages sound completely in their options and creating in settings will sounds be on or off by default..if they are off then it won’t throw violation warning and MouseEvent.mozInputSource is deprecated. Use PointerEvent.pointerType instead.

      this part “bp-messages#/conversation/2” is most important so i would really appreciate if you can find solution for it..i really appreciate your work its amazing plugin but i need to find way how to change URL of it

      Plugin Author wordplus


      Hi there!

      2. How do you have profiles in your website then? That is not created by Better Messages. Anyway that is not in plans at the moment to allow to change “conversation” string.

      3. The sounds can be disabled in plugin settings. Please do not spam with the browser warnings question, while that is not creating any issues in real plugin functionality.


      Thread Starter luka007


      2. better messages are added in My-Account of woocomerce (dropdown menu), dashboard and on forum profiles of Asgaros
      3. there is adjusting volume (will setting to 0 completely disable it and warning won’t be thrown?)
      Its Violation warning which are partially breaking GDPR rules so they should be taken serious becasue user don’t have free will “Consents must be freely given” about sound too, if they can’t disable it completely then they don’t have free will..but okay forget about bunch of warnings that are shown by plugin i can handle that but i would really appreciate if there is some way to change URL to not showing “bp-messages#/conversation/2” its quite crucial for my site and i don’t want to change code of plugin myself without permission cause that is not allowed, thats why i asked for your help and offered paying any amount of money you tell me that is required to help me resolve this issue..cause i really need it, if you can’t make it globally can you at least help me how can i achieve it since its crucial for my site to get it done, i would really love to continue using plugin its amazing but that small part is bothering me and users..i hope you can provide me some solution for it i would REALLY appreciate it A LOT! i beg you to help me resolve this

      • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by luka007.
      • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by luka007.
      Plugin Author wordplus


      Hi there!

      Unfortunately I do not able to help you with changing ‘conversation’ word in URL, please do not spam with it.

      ‘bp-messages’ in WooCommerce can be changed in plugin settings, under Integrations -> BuddyPress -> BuddyPress Profile Slug. WooCommerce slug is taken from there.


      Thread Starter luka007


      Slug only change buddypress profile, woocomerce still using “bp-messages” in URL even if slug is changed in integration options

      i’m not using buddypress so it makes no difference url (slug) is still using bp-messages

      1. i’m not spamming after i mention it two times (because its important) you saying don’t spam..i don’t spam i am loyal customer asking for support i told you 20 times that i appreciate your work and i even offered money..i explained you how crucial and important for my site this is..and begged you for help for thing that shouldn’t be that way its more like advertizing by author since i can’t change “bp-messages” and i nicely asked for help or any solution..i’m pretty sure none of users appreciate that bp-messages and converation url can’t be changed and the fact that you won’t even add it on to-do-list

      plugin is trully amazing i love it, but support for plugin without trying to offend you by any chance is not okay..i’m sorry but even after i told you how important this is and even after offering you any money you still won’t help me with something that can be resolved in few minutes..i could done it myself but i didn’t want to be rude and i know editing plugin code is not allowed thats why i showed respect i came here and asked you nicely for simple help and offered paying any additional money you want for it, but you don’t show any interest to help me, plugin is 8 years old and i understand you might be tired, but this URL thing is quite serious and that should be fixed 8 years ago i don’t know why is such big deal for you to make solution for it

      Console Warnings that i gave you are created by old deprecated code that you used and that can be replaced easily and fixed but you are clearly refusing to fixed them, even if some are violation warnings that breaks GDPR rules which should be taken seriously, like i said i have huge respect for community and for you as creator of this amazing plugin i know you put a lot of time to create it, thats why i won’t give you negative review but you should definitely consider providing little bit more useful support to your users, like i said i have nothing but respect for you and this plugin but the way you treat us currently is really terrible, you won’t even consider adding it on to-do-list i didn’t ask you to add some special new features for myself i asked nicely to do small improvements for all users that are easy to create and that would HELP everyone a lot because i believe that should be already done 8 years ago..but okay like i said its your plugin you can do whatever you want with it and i won’t argue with you i’m just sad to see such wonderful plugin can’t get small fix that would HELP all users, but okay, your life your choice..i still appreciate your fast answer

      I am patient man and i could wait for update but seems that you are not planning to provide any help or solution for this problem and that way force me to use other premium plugin..i don’t have issue with that i am still okay with that and i respect your decision thats why i won’t ask you ever again for help, once again thank you very much for your time and fast respond, good luck with plugin..i wish you the best and have a great day! cheers <3

      Plugin Author wordplus


      Hi there!

      1. Unfortunately I do not able to help you with warnings, especially taking into the account that there is no issues, caused by them. Fixing warnings, which only shown in some browsers, can break functionality in other browsers, which does not have that warnings, especially older browsers will be affected and create issue for a lot of users of the plugin. This is also not easy changes and I will only fix them if they will create issues.
      2. BuddyPress Profile slug setting also changing the WooCommerce item slug, even if no BuddyPress is installed as there is no dedicated setting for WooCommerce. I having hard time to understand, why are you saying that it does not changing the WooCommerce slug, seems like you did not tried that, since I just double checked it and changing slug worked perfectly.

      Unfortunately I do not able to provide personal assistance to every plugin user with such questions, even if you propose to pay for that, as this is core of the plugin and can break alot of things if I change that.

      Thanks and have good day too!

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