• Resolved stsfin



    im trying to include the shorturl directly in to my theme with the the_shortn_url_link() or the_full_shortn_url() functions, but if i do that the theme stops loading at that point where the function is included and gives this error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_shortn_url_link() in /blog/wp-content/themes/affinity/index.php on line 227

    (the line number of course is where the function is in the index file)

    Is there anyway to the plugin to tell WP that it should be loaded before the theme? Or can I force that somehow?


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  • Plugin Author docofmedia


    Actually, I messed up those template tags and I apologize for the inconvenience and headache it may have caused. I have posted an update fixing these errors and adding a few more template tags you may find useful.

    Thanks for bringing the issue to my attention!
    – docofmedia

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