Thanks for the update @sfprtvn, and additional information. I checked your site and I can confirm that your Google analytics snippet is firing as expected. What I suspect happened, regarding the drop in traffic, is due to the Digital Markets Act (DMA) changes, so only visitors who have explicitly given consent are tracked. You’ll find more on this here. This is a requirement in some regions, such as the EEU.
As you’re a Site Kit user, issue with consent mode can arise if you didn’t configure it correctly, with the help of a third party consent plugin of your choice. You’ll find more on this below:
In short – if you did enable consent mode within Site Kit (or elsewhere), you will need a mechanism (ie. Third party plugin) to ensure visitors can grant consent, otherwise all EU traffic is lost. I can confirm that you don’t have consent mode enabled and traffic is recording at present for your site.
Now I just checked and it appears:
Error: Bad Request
invalid parameter: ‘site_id’
Error connecting Site Kit
Looks like your site is not allowed access to Google account data and can’t display stats in the dashboard.
These messages differs to the the query initially reported. Did you make any changes to the plugin or add another module using a different Google account to that used to initially set up Site Kit?