• Resolved Oxford Metadata Ltd



    We are involved in a project where the customer opted to have 377 product attributes with 6676 product attribute terms. These exact numbers are a result of the queries.

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT taxonomy) AS total_attributes
    FROM wp_term_taxonomy
    WHERE taxonomy LIKE ‘pa_%’;

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_attribute_terms
    FROM wp_terms
    WHERE term_id IN (
    SELECT term_id
    FROM wp_term_taxonomy
    WHERE taxonomy LIKE ‘pa_%’

    The problem we are facing is that at times our product filters in the category pages were failing. This is because the product filters in order to determine which products to show on each category were utilising the wp_wc_product_attribute_look up table.

    Following extensive debugging, we realised that when the lookup table we set to be updated dynamically, when the stock was changing for product with over 200 attribute terms, it was failing. It was corrupted. Here you can see such one such product with 268 variations: Aloha Ημιμ?νιμο Βερν?κι Eight Color Coat 8ml – Femme Fatale (femme-fatale.gr)

    I wonder what we can do in order to sort out the update and make sure that the dynamic update code is not failing.

    Note that we are using a 96GB server that has less than 30% CPU utilization whereas our database has a max memory limit of 60GB and usually 45GB is available.

    The site (on the front end is one of the fastest woocommerce stores ever developed – i.e. this product with the 268 variation, loads at 0.8s (Latest Performance Report for: https://femme-fatale.gr/product/nychia/imimonima-vernikia/xromata/aloha-imimonimo-verniki-eight-colo… | GTmetrix). So, I am inclined not to buy even a hint that our server could be better tuned and that responsible for the failing is our infrastructure.

    Are there any plans to make the dynamic population of the wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup more robust, as nowadays, Woocommerce is becoming the platform of choice for more demanding eshops?

    Also note that in our case, for 8958 products – the manual regeneration of the wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup via the tools sections takes about 2 hours.

    Thank you.

    Please also refer to these (partly additional) issues:
    Major bug in product inventory status | www.remarpro.com
    Hide out of stock items from the catalog – the case where it doesn’t work | www.remarpro.com

    Suffices to say that all along we were taking for granted that the wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup is always correct – was our datum. We invested 100s of man hours on this effort that led to this rather unfortunate finding/conclusion.

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  • Thread Starter Oxford Metadata Ltd


    In order to facilitate the discussion:

    I understand that the “flattening” of the information required for the product_attributes_lookup table can be compute demanding.

    In the example site I shared with you, there is this table: Femme Fatale Fast Finder – Femme Fatale (femme-fatale.gr)

    To prepare this table with conventional SQL required about 20 joins and it was taking 15 minutes of full compute time every night for an SQL server that had 64GB allocated for the example of the said shop (with the almost 400 attributes, and 7000 items among them) and it also computes stock availability, their image, the brand and product categories as you can imagine.

    I am sure when using conventional php, the compute requirement is not much different thus, while as the “good coding” patterns and practices suggest, a REST API based async method is utilised etc. (thus the 2 hours of painful waiting)

    Here however is refactored the same code that does the compute not in 15 minutes of full compute but in less than 10 seconds (for all nearly 9000 products) together with complementary info such as product images, generation of add to cart buttons, the info if the product is on sale and/or has professional discounts.

    Generate Simple Products
    Start time: 2024-03-03 16:25:35.071
    End time: 2024-03-03 16:25:35.565
    Generate Variations Vitals
    Start time: 2024-03-03 16:25:35.566
    End time: 2024-03-03 16:25:35.914
    Append Variations in Product Vitals
    Start time: 2024-03-03 16:25:35.915
    End time: 2024-03-03 16:25:42.145
    Total Execution Time: 7.078 seconds

    If one needs also a three level category menu for the products and the brands of the products then this process adds 12 more seconds.

    Generate Brands and Categories
    Start time: 2024-03-03 13:28:28.284
    End time: 2024-03-03 13:28:40.614
    Generate Simple Products
    Start time: 2024-03-03 13:28:40.615
    End time: 2024-03-03 13:28:41.096
    Generate Variations Vitals
    Start time: 2024-03-03 13:28:41.097
    End time: 2024-03-03 13:28:41.431
    Append Variations in Product Vitals
    Start time: 2024-03-03 13:28:41.432
    End time: 2024-03-03 13:28:47.837
    Total Execution Time: 19.557 seconds

    They key here is to use different queries for simple products and variations.

    Here is the code:

    Part 1. Generate category hierarchies and brands (the 12 second process)

    truncate table wp_pods_product_brands;
    INSERT INTO wp_pods_product_brands (name, product_id, parent_product_id, effective_product_id, brand_name, product_stock, product_count)
    SELECT t.name AS name, 
    case when p.id is null then 
    as product_id, 
    tr.object_id AS parent_product_id, 
    tr.object_id AS effective_product_id, 
    t.slug as brand_name,
    '0'as product_stock,
    '0' as product_count   
    FROM wp_term_relationships AS tr  
    INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS x 
                 ON (x.taxonomy='pa_brand_master' 
                AND x.term_taxonomy_id=tr.term_taxonomy_id)
    INNER JOIN wp_terms AS t 
                 ON t.term_id=x.term_id 
    JOIN wp_posts p on
    (tr.object_id=p.post_parent or tr.object_id=p.id) and p.post_type like '%product%' and p.post_status='publish'
                 order by product_id, name desc
    LIMIT 5000000;  
    TRUNCATE TABLE wp_pods_parent_product_cat_hierarchy;
    INSERT INTO wp_pods_parent_product_cat_hierarchy 
        (name, product_id, top_category_id, top_category, second_level_category_id, second_level_category, third_level_category_id, third_level_category)
        p.ID AS name,
        p.ID AS product_id,
        wp_posts p
    JOIN (
            tr.object_id AS product_id,
            MIN(tt.term_id) AS top_category_id,
            MIN(t.name) AS top_category
            wp_term_relationships tr
        JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
        JOIN wp_terms t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id
        WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'product_cat' AND tt.parent = 0
        GROUP BY tr.object_id
    ) AS tc ON p.ID = tc.product_id
            tr.object_id AS product_id,
            MIN(tt.term_id) AS second_level_category_id,
            MIN(t.name) AS second_level_category
            wp_term_relationships tr
        JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
        JOIN wp_terms t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id
        WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'product_cat' AND tt.parent IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE parent = 0)
        GROUP BY tr.object_id
    ) AS sc ON p.ID = sc.product_id
            tr.object_id AS product_id,
            MIN(tt.term_id) AS third_level_category_id,
            MIN(t.name) AS third_level_category
            wp_term_relationships tr
        JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
        JOIN wp_terms t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id
        WHERE tt.taxonomy = 'product_cat' AND tt.parent IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE parent IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE parent = 0))
        GROUP BY tr.object_id
    ) AS thc ON p.ID = thc.product_id
    WHERE p.post_type IN ('product', 'product_variation') AND p.post_status = 'publish'
    ORDER BY p.ID;

    Part 2. Compute first the simple products and then the Variations IN DIFFERENT TABLES WITH DIFFERENT QUERIES

    TRUNCATE TABLE wp_pods_product_vitals;
    INSERT INTO  wp_pods_product_vitals  (   
    SELECT distinct 
    AS image_url,
    p.post_title as name, 
    p.ID as product_id,
    AS parent_id, 
    AS parent_name,
    AS parent_sku,
    tapc.top_category_id as category_id, 
    AS brand, 
    as menu_id,
    as menu_category,
    as head_id,
    as head_category,
    as subcat_id,
    as sub_category,
    pm4.meta_value as sku, 
    AS gtin, 
    pm9.meta_value as soft1_id, 
    CASE  WHEN pm6.meta_value IS NOT NULL THEN 'NAI'
            ELSE 'OXI'
    END  AS ProfDiscount,
    CAST(REPLACE(pm3.meta_value, ',', '.') AS DECIMAL(12,2)) as price, 
    concat ("https://femme-fatale.gr/?p=", p.id)  AS product_url,
    Concat('<a href=https://femme-fatale.gr/?p=', p.id , '>', ("Αναλυτικ? περιγραφ?"  COLLATE utf8mb3_bin) ,'</a>') as link_to_view,
    case when pm5.meta_value>0 THEN
    Concat('<div class="loop-button-wrap button-layout2"><a href="?add-to-cart=', p.id , '" data-quantity="1" class="button product_type_simple add_to_cart_button ajax_add_to_cart" data-product_id="', p.id, ' data-product_sku="', pm4.meta_value , '" rel="nofollow">', ("Αγορ?"  COLLATE utf8mb3_bin)  , '</a></div>')
    else ''
    as link_to_cart, 
    '''' as link_to_fav,
    LEFT(p.post_excerpt, 160)
    AS short_description,
    AS weight, 
    '' AS color, 
    AS stock
    wp_posts as p
    LEFT JOIN wp_pods_parent_product_cat_hierarchy as tapc on p.ID = tapc.product_id
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm0 ON p.id = pm0.post_id AND pm0.meta_key = 'hwp_product_gtin'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm1 ON p.id = pm1.post_id AND pm1.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm2 ON pm1.meta_value = pm2.post_id AND pm2.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm3 ON p.id = pm3.post_id AND pm3.meta_key = '_price'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm4 ON p.id = pm4.post_id AND pm4.meta_key = '_sku'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm5 ON p.id = pm5.post_id AND pm5.meta_key = '_stock'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm6 ON p.id = pm6.post_id AND pm6.meta_key = 'woocommerce_ultimate_pricing_prices' AND pm6.meta_value LIKE '%customer_%'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm9 ON p.id = pm9.post_id AND pm9.meta_key = 'soft1_id'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm10 ON p.id= pm10.post_id AND pm10.meta_key = '_weight'
    LEFT JOIN wp_pods_product_brands as tat on  p.id = tat.product_id
    WHERE p.post_type IN ('product')
    AND p.post_status = 'publish'-- statement to ensure uniqueness of product ids
    group by p.ID
    ORDER BY  p.id, tapc.top_category;
    TRUNCATE TABLE wp_pods_variation_vitals;
    INSERT INTO wp_pods_variation_vitals (product_id, parent_id, sku, gtin, price, stock, special_price, weight, imagepath, soft1_id)
        p.ID AS product_id,
        p.post_parent AS parent_id,
        pm.meta_value AS sku,
        pm2.meta_value AS gtin,
        pm3.meta_value AS price,
        pm4.meta_value AS stock,
            WHEN pm6.meta_value IS NOT NULL THEN 'NAI'
            ELSE 'OXI'
        END AS special_price,
        pm5.meta_value AS weight,
        pm8.meta_value AS imagepath,
        pm9.meta_value AS soft1_id 
        wp_posts AS p
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm ON p.id = pm.post_id AND pm.meta_key = '_sku'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm2 ON p.id = pm2.post_id AND pm2.meta_key = 'hwp_var_gtin'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm3 ON p.id = pm3.post_id AND pm3.meta_key = '_price'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm4 ON p.id = pm4.post_id AND pm4.meta_key = '_stock'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm5 ON p.post_parent = pm5.post_id AND pm5.meta_key = '_weight'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm6 ON p.id = pm6.post_id AND pm6.meta_key = 'woocommerce_ultimate_pricing_prices' AND pm6.meta_value LIKE '%customer_%'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm7 ON p.ID = pm7.post_id AND pm7.meta_key = 'botiga_variation_gallery'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm8 ON substring_index(substring_index(pm7.meta_value, ':"', -1), '";', 1) = pm8.post_id AND pm8.meta_key = '_wp_attached_file'
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS pm9 ON p.id = pm9.post_id AND pm9.meta_key = 'iconic_cffv_100545_soft1_id'
    WHERE (p.post_type = 'product_variation' AND p.post_status = 'publish');

    3. Insert the variations you just computed in a different table in the… final destination table.

    INSERT INTO  wp_pods_product_vitals  (   
    SELECT distinct 
    concat('https://femme-fatale.gr/wp-content/uploads/',vv.imagepath) AS image_url,
    p.post_title as name, 
    p.ID as product_id,
    vv.parent_id AS parent_id, 
    pmmpp.post_title as parent_name,
    pmmpps.meta_value as parent_sku,
    tapcv.top_category_id  as category_id, 
    -- tr.object_id as product_id, 
    tatv.name  as  brand, 
    tapcv.top_category_id as menu_id,
    tapcv.top_category as menu_category,
    as head_id,
    as head_category,
    as subcat_id,
    as sub_category,
    vv.sku as sku, 
    AS gtin, 
    vv.soft1_id as soft1_id, 
    vv.special_price AS ProfDiscount,
    CAST(REPLACE(vv.price, ',', '.') AS DECIMAL(12,2)) as price, 
    concat ("https://femme-fatale.gr/?p=",  p.post_parent)
     AS product_url,
    Concat('<a href=https://femme-fatale.gr/?p=', p.id , '>', ("Αναλυτικ? περιγραφ?"  COLLATE utf8mb3_bin) ,'</a>') as link_to_view,
    case when p.post_parent<>0 and vv.stock >0 THEN 
    Concat('<div class="loop-button-wrap button-layout2"><a href="?add-to-cart=', p.id , '" data-quantity="1" class="button product_type_simple add_to_cart_button ajax_add_to_cart" data-product_id="', p.id, ' data-product_sku="', vv.sku , '" rel="nofollow">', ("Αγορ?"  COLLATE utf8mb3_bin)  , '</a></div>') 
    else ''
    as link_to_cart, 
    '''' as link_to_fav,
    LEFT(pmmpp.post_excerpt, 160)
    AS short_description,
    AS weight, 
    trim(replace (replace(p.post_title, pmmpp.post_title, ''), '- ', '')     ) 
    AS color, 
    AS stock
        wp_posts AS p
    LEFT JOIN wp_posts pmmp on pmmp.ID=p.id
    LEFT JOIN wp_posts pmmpp on pmmpp.ID=pmmp.post_parent
    left join wp_postmeta AS  pmmpps on pmmpp.ID=pmmpps.post_id and pmmpps.meta_key='_sku'
    LEFT JOIN wp_pods_variation_vitals AS vv ON p.id = vv.product_id
    LEFT JOIN wp_pods_product_brands as tatv on  p.post_parent = tatv.parent_product_id
    LEFT JOIN wp_pods_parent_product_cat_hierarchy as tapcv on  p.post_parent = tapcv.product_id
    WHERE p.post_type IN ('product_variation')
    AND p.post_status = 'publish'
    -- statement to ensure uniqueness of product ids
    group by p.ID
    ORDER BY  p.id, tapcv.top_category;

    And.. as if by magic something that used to take 1200 seconds (and tremendous RAM for the mySQL) is now done 1000 times faster and can be even supported in hosting environments with 2-4GB of RAM.

    I know this obsession of “good programming” with “patterns and practices”, but waiting 2 hours of bloody waiting to generate the products attributes lookup table, while also having the dynamic update failing, is definitely not good programming! In any event this is the type of functional decomposition that you have to implement in your favourite patterns and practices, if we are to see some progress.

    But our current 2 hour wait it totally unacceptable.

    If the Automatic team will require further consulting our company (Oxford Metadata) we will be happy to oblige. If anything else we can make up our losses for the 100s of hours of debugging – notwithstanding for the loses of the poor shop owner who, for many months, his most valuable products where disappearing from view to the guests.

    This concludes my contribution to this issue for the time being. You may contact via our profile here.

    Thanks for reporting! We chatted in the Woo Community Slack, and have opened a GitHub issue here so we can fully investigate: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/46699

    Plugin Author Néstor Soriano Vilchez


    Hi, I’m Néstor Soriano, the developer who implemented the WooCommerce product attributes lookup table feature. Please take a look at the comment I wrote in the GitHub issue: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/46699#issuecomment-2066101259

    I read your humbling response @konamiman

    You are an exceptional person so you are bound to be an exceptional developer!

    I don’t blame you – who would have thought that woocommerce will be in the business of hair and nail colours and that their operators would think that they can add as many attributes with 100s of terms? I couldn’t contemplate it either.

    Actually, I had advised them to create common attributes for say colours but they had insisted that the say number “7.2” colour of one company is different from the “7-2” colour of another company. So I had advised them to do at most 40-50 products like that.
    A few months later I noticed these 400 attributes.

    Anyway, now that we have realised that the platform is so good that it attracts the usage by people that have no sense of proportion, let see what we can do.

    I am not a php developer. Although I write my own stuff, php is just one of the 40 languages I can converse with in my 44 year history in computing. What I am saying is that my coding in php is amateurish, so I cannot help you on this. I was invited to your business (e-commerce) because my theories in accurately predicting electoral outcomes by a friend (the owner of that eshop) who allowed me to try to apply these theories to predicting (if not shaping) shopping behaviours. Then came the need to make a platform “my own” so that I can help shops run faster and then get the data etc etc. I chose woocommerce (due to wordpress) and the open source concept behind it.

    Having said that, ANY help you need I am here to help. I can definately give you access to our beta testing server so that you can experiment/develop with our dataset etc. As we know reality can be a lot worse that our imagination.

    Many thanks also to @jacklynbiggin for mobilising the best person to address the issue.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by dimitrisv. Reason: spelling
    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi @dimitrisv,

    Thank you for your kind words and your input as well as your offer to help! I think the conversation would be best moved to the Github repository as it’s more in the development territory rather than the support territory at this stage! ??

    I’m sure great things will come as a result of this thread! Thanks!


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