• I installed the cm answers plugin, I created two questions and answers, and then the SEO kravler informed me that I had two problems with content duplication title and meta. Apart from the archive where all questions and answers are usually placed, I also created a subpage in the menu with a script that shows questions and answers because I wanted to add a few words of introduction at the beginning and I did not see this option provided by the plugin. How can I solve my problem with content duplication? Can you give me some advice?

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  • Thread Starter diesel19


    Issue duplicate links from ahrefs:
    Page votes and newest ar? duplicate.


    Zrozum, jakie s? oznaki depresji i kiedy warto uda? si? do psychologa. Poznaj objawy depresji, które mog? wp?yn?? na codzienne ?ycie, jak uzyska? pomoc.

    Zrozum, jakie s? oznaki depresji i kiedy warto uda? si? do psychologa. Poznaj objawy depresji, które mog? wp?yn?? na codzienne ?ycie, jak uzyska? pomoc.

    Jakie s? oznaki depresji - Psychoterapia ?ód?, prywatnie, indywidualna, psycholog dzieci?cy - O?rodek Psychoterapii PsychoAzyl - O?rodek Psychoterapii PsychoAzyl


    Zrozum, jakie s? oznaki depresji i kiedy warto uda? si? do psychologa. Poznaj objawy depresji, które mog? wp?yn?? na codzienne ?ycie, jak uzyska? pomoc.

    Zrozum, jakie s? oznaki depresji i kiedy warto uda? si? do psychologa. Poznaj objawy depresji, które mog? wp?yn?? na codzienne ?ycie, jak uzyska? pomoc.

    Radzenie ze stresem w pracy - Psychoterapia ?ód?, prywatnie, indywidualna, psycholog dzieci?cy - O?rodek Psychoterapii PsychoAzyl - O?rodek Psychoterapii PsychoAzyl


    Dowiedz si?, jak skutecznie radzi? sobie ze stresem w pracy i ?yciu codziennym. Praktyczne porady na stres i zarz?dzanie emocjami

    Dowiedz si?, jak skutecznie radzi? sobie ze stresem w pracy i ?yciu codziennym. Praktyczne porady na stres i zarz?dzanie emocjami

    Radzenie ze stresem w pracy - Psychoterapia ?ód?, prywatnie, indywidualna, psycholog dzieci?cy - O?rodek Psychoterapii PsychoAzyl - O?rodek Psychoterapii PsychoAzyl

    Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions



    Here’re possible solutions for the issues:

    1) To avoid having 2 apart pages with forum (the default page and a custom page where you added a content), you need to delete the custom page, and add your content directly to the default page. As the default page is created dynamically, you need to apply changes to the template. The main changes should be made in the index.phtml file. Please, check this guide for more details: https://creativeminds.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1016-cm-answers-cma-theme-how-to-change-plugin-theme
    This should solve the issue with duplicate question links on 2 similar pages.

    2) Regarding duplicate URLs with parameters like /?sort=votes or /?sort=newest. If you’re using an SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO, there’s an option to ignore URL parameters, which prevents crawlers from indexing multiple versions of the same page. In Yoast SEO, you can enable this option by going to Settings -> Advanced -> Crawl optimization and enabling “Remove unregistered URL parameters”. This will help ensure that only the main URL (e.g., /answers/question1/) is crawled, avoiding duplicate content issues. Users will still be able to sort questions normally.

    Thread Starter diesel19


    Thank you for your answer,

    1. I checked the instructions for the theme from the link provided, but unfortunately I can’t even start because I don’t see these settings :(.
    2. The option with the SEO plugin does not apply to me either because I use Rank Math Pro and these settings are not mentioned. possibly it may be somehow related to the canonical url option in rank math?
    Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions


    1) Regarding first question - yes, the free version of the plugin does not have options for choosing templates, but the rest of the guide is relevant for the free version of the plugin (the chapter "Instructions"). You need to go to wp-content/plugins/cm-answers-pro/views/frontend/answer and copy there 2 folders and 2 files:
    - index.phtml (for Questions)
    - single.phtml (for Answers)
    - meta folder
    - widget folder

    Then create the sub-directory "CMA/answer" inside your current theme directory. It should be under wp-content/themes/(active theme)/

    Then, paste copied files and folders there.

    When editing the index.phtml, you can insert the needed content, for example under this line:

    Example of the custom content:
    <p>Insert you content here - paragraph 1</p>
    <p>Insert you content here - paragraph 2</p>
    <img src="https://your-website.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/image.png">

    After saving the changes, the custom content should be displayed on the default forum page your-website.com/answers/

    2) To solve the issue with pages with parameters using Rank Math SEO, go to General Settings -> Edit robots.txt. Add there this line:
    Disallow: /*?sort=

    It should help you solve the issues.
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