Hi @firdausekabengkulu
Let me clarify this feature of ThumbPress. When it converts an image to WebP, it replaces the previous file while keeping the same name as the original. It does not generate new links for the converted image or retain the original file.
If you upload two files, for example, first upload image.jpg and convert it to image.webp, then again upload image.jpg, there should be no issue created with different files.
There are options to convert, If you want to convert all your images, ‘Covert to WebP‘ that converts all your images from media file. Another way is to go to Modules > Convert to WebP, where you can find the options for Convert Image on Upload and Single Image Conversion.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, we kindly request you to submit a support ticket through this link. Our support team will be able to take a closer look at your request.
Thank you,