Hi Blaz
Thanks again for looking into this. I appreciate the help and understand the limits of what you can provide, of course. As background, I use the Divi theme which is pretty popular. What I think I have found is some sort of conflict with the Javascript in the theme – specifically for the WooCommerce module (which I don’t use). I think this uses a rating system (for product reviews?)
I’m already in way over my head and don’t really understand much of this, but I used a string locator and tracked down this line in the theme JS and removed it:
window.et_pb_init_woo_star_rating=function($rating_selector){var $existing_stars=$rating_selector.closest("div").find("p.stars");0<$existing_stars.length&&$existing_stars.remove(),$rating_selector.hide().before('<p class="stars">\t\t\t\t<span>\t\t\t\t\t<a class="star-1" href="#">1</a>\t\t\t\t\t<a class="star-2" href="#">2</a>\t\t\t\t\t<a class="star-3" href="#">3</a>\t\t\t\t\t<a class="star-4" href="#">4</a>\t\t\t\t\t<a class="star-5" href="#">5</a>\t\t\t\t</span>\t\t\t</p>')}
Following the removal of this, the ratings shortcode seemed to work. My best guess is that there is some sort of variable (using a variant of ‘stars’?) that is shared between this and your plugin or something.
Do you think this sounds feasible and broadly right? If, so, I’ll contact the theme to try to figure out how I can remove this code from each theme updated.
I may be way off track here but need to get this nailed down before I add the ratings shortcode to all my posts.
I think your rating plugin is the best out there so really determined to get this working with my theme.
Thanks again.