I’ve just started looking into this now as I had too much going on yesterday.
So far,
localhost install using XAMPP
– WordPress 4.4.2
– BuddyPress 2.5.2
– Crowd Mentions 1.0.3
– Twenty Fifteen Theme
When a basic user uses the friends @ mention it generates a notification to all of their friends, however I get nothing for all of the other notification options. The issue where it was loading the site below when attempting to post does not happen under these settings.
localhost install using XAMPP
– WordPress 4.4.2
– BuddyPress 2.5.2
– Crowd Mentions 1.0.3
– Kleo Theme
When a basic user uses the friends @ mention it generates a notification to all of their friends, however I get nothing for all of the other notification options. The issue where it was loading the site below when attempting to post does not happen under these settings.
localhost install using XAMPP
– WordPress 4.4.2
– BuddyPress 2.5.2
– Crowd Mentions 1.0.3
– Kleo Child Theme (has custom code, tested to ensure was not generating error)
When a basic user uses the friends @ mention it generates a notification to all of their friends, however I get nothing for all of the other notification options. The issue where it was loading the site below when attempting to post does not happen under these settings.
localhost install using XAMPP
– WordPress 4.4.2
– BuddyPress 2.5.2
– Crowd Mentions 1.0.3
– Kleo Child Theme
– BuddyPress Activity Privacy Plugin
When a basic user uses any of the @ mentions from the crowdmention plugin it generates the site showing in whole again and fails to post the update or issue notification. This error does not persist when an admin, however, as before, it still does not issue any other notification other than when @ freiends is used.
When the BuddyPress Activity Privacy plugin is removed the user can post and the @ friends mention will be issued however it still generates the site showing in whole below the update. My guess on this would be the BuddyPress Activity Privacy plugin that conflicts is not properly cleaning itself up when uninstalled and continues to cause the error.
It would appear there are two issues here, one is the much used BuddyPress Acticity Privacy Plugin which is not compatible with your plugin, which is very unfortunate, but not your issue. The second is that I cannot get anything other than the @ friends mention to issue a notification out of the box with an up to date and vanilla WordPress / BuddyPress install regardless of theme.
Not sure what to do about the second,
Thanks for getting back to me by the way, and sorry for the delay in getting back to you.