• Resolved helpguys01


    Question 1 (From us to PayFast):
    Can you please confirm the following:
    "can you ask plugin dev or payfast should ['setup']['split_payment'] be excluded from signature string ?"
    Can you please answer this question? Its from our developer.
    Answer 1: The split payment parameters needs to be sent in the setup and it is not calculated in the signature
    Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Question 2 (From us to PayFast):?
    If ['setup']['split_payment'] must be excluded, why it is not so in your plugin?
    Answer 2: Our plugin developers came back and mentioned that the source is added by WooCommerce and setup is a Payfast field, but neither should be calculated in signature (see?https://developers.payfast.co.za/docs#splitpayments)
    Final Conclusion:
    ['setup']['split_payment'] is to be removed by Woocommerce from payment signature within PayFast plugin to resolve split payment signature mismatch.
Viewing 12 replies - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
  • Hey there, @helpguys01! Thanks for contacting us. I’m happy to help you.

    As I understand you are facing issues with split payments, correct?

    Is every order with split payments having the issue or does some of them work?

    Are you having issues with other payment methods too?

    Furthermore, I’d like to understand your site properly. Please share with us the necessary information below for us to investigate the issue further:

    System Status Report which you can find via WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support.
    Fatal error logs (if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs. Then you can use the selector to search for Fatal Errors.
    You could copy and paste your reply here or paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter helpguys01


    Hi. Normal Payments work perfect (When splits payments are not used.)

    But unfortunately split payments do not work. If you follow the payment checkout process and a split payment is setup then when you get to the PayFast payment page it displays an error message “Signature Mismatch”.

    Only if [‘setup’][‘split_payment’] is removed from payment signature within PayFast plugin does it resolve split payment signature mismatch. Please read the response we got from PayFasts developers, the split payment is not to be included in the payment signature. Meaning it should be removed from the PayFast plugin.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by helpguys01.

    Hey, @helpguys01!

    Thank you for the clarification.

    Is the Payfast plugin updated to the current version?

    Can you please share the information we requested so we can take a better look on the website?

    System Status Report which you can find via WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support.
    Fatal error logs (if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs. Then you can use the selector to search for Fatal Errors.
    You could copy and paste your reply here or paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter helpguys01


    How do I post a private message?

    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi @helpguys01,

    You can use or service https://quickforget.com/, this tool is designed to share information securely. You can set this one to expire after a certain amount of views or hours.

    Please, also feel free to remove the URL from your System Status Report if you’re worried about privacy in that sense!


    Thread Starter helpguys01


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    WooCommerce Payfast Gateway: by WooCommerce – 1.6.4 (update to version 1.6.5 is available)
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    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 8.8.3 (update to version 8.9.0 is available)
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    SupportCandy - WooCommerce: by SupportCandy – 3.1.5
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    Payfast: wc-active: 7
    wc-cancelled: 2
    ### Payment Gateway Support ###
    Payfast: products
    ### Admin ###
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    Newest: 2024-05-14 15:30:05 +0200
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    Newest: 2025-04-25 11:15:00 +0200
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2024-05-14 21:05:23 +02:00

    ?? hey @helpguys01

    Thank you for reaching back, with further details on this.

    Final Conclusion:
    ['setup']['split_payment'] is to be removed by Woocommerce from payment signature within PayFast plugin to resolve split payment signature mismatch.

    From what I understand, there’s no split payment functionality with the WooCommerce Payfast Gateway plugin. For reference, the extension’s documentation.

    Moreover, from the excerpt quoted above, I gather the intention is to add that functionality via custom coding. Am I getting this?

    To that end, kindly note it falls outside our scope of support, I’m afraid. For reference, our support policy can be found linked here.

    I hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you have any further questions about this matter, or if we misinterpret your concern in any way. We will be happy to help you further.

    Thread Starter helpguys01


    Hi, can you please advise what is this piece of code in the PayFast Gateway Plugin as per screenshot below? What is the purpose?


    Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


    Hi @helpguys01

    The code you’re referring to is a conditional statement. It checks if the $key variable is not in an array that includes 'source' and 'setup'. If the $key is not in this array, the code inside the curly braces {} will execute. Such a condition typically excludes specific elements (in this case 'source' and 'setup') from further processing in the plugin.

    For reference, this particular forum is meant for general support with the core functionality of WooCommerce Payfast Gateway itself. For development and custom coding questions, it’s best to ask for insight related to those on either the WooCommerce Advanced Facebook group or the WooCommerce Community Slack. Many of our developers hang out there and will be able to offer insights into your question. You can also seek help from the following:

    I wish I could help more, but hopefully, this gets you going in the right direction to get some further insight/information.

    Thread Starter helpguys01


    According to PayFast [‘setup’][‘split_payment’] should be excluded from the signature but then why is that code there?

    As a result if we try to run split payments alongside the PayFast Plugin is prevents the split payment from processing successfully unless this unnecessary code is removed.

    ?? hey @helpguys01

    Kindly note that, while payfast, the payment processor, might support split payments, the Payfast Payment Gateway currently doesn’t, I’m afraid.

    Best to reach out to the resources shared earlier in this thread, on how to proceed with implementing the bespoke solution needed at your site.

    Hope it helps!

    Plugin Support omarfpg a11n


    Hi there ?? ,

    We haven’t heard from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved. Feel free to start a new thread if you have any more questions.

    All the best,

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