• Hi,
    There is an issue in labels which are sent to Events. It is firing events after each 10 seconds even I set up events for every 60 seconds. That’s why bounce rate is reduced to 4-5% which is not a good case for any site as it will not give right data information.

    I am using Universal analytics for setup.

    Can you just do modification in the plugin so that it will send correct information to analytics?


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  • Plugin Author Okoth1



    This is new to me, I am going to look at it. Thank you for letting me know.

    Plugin Author Okoth1


    I have found the issue. When the event frequency is set to 60 seconds, the event itself is fired every 60 seconds, but the label says after the first 60 secs 0:10 and after the second 60 secs 0:20.

    Will be fixed in the next update. Thank you for letting me know.

    Plugin Author Okoth1


    The fix will come, but it doesn’t seem to be as easy as I thought. Need a bit more time on this.

    I wouldn’t even mind if the label was in incremental integers. I could then at least easily multiply it by my time unit. If my time unit was 30 seconds and the label was 8, it would be easy to look at that and think “4 minutes.” The way it is now, it reads 1:20 which I would then have to mentally translate to 8 units of 10 seconds, then multiply by my time unit.

    Of course actual time readings would be great, but this would be a very useful intermediate fix.

    Thanks for the plugin and for all your hard work on it.

    Plugin Author Okoth1


    Makes sense of what you say, but I’m a but worried changing it to incremental integers. My main issue with it is, besides that people might get confused when suddenly there is no time label anymore, that when you decide to change from 30 to 20 seconds or to a minute later on you’ll loose your historic stats. I know you can put a mark, but I’m not sure if that would work in the end.

    I wish I had more time to fix this thing. I could even make an option that people can choose for themselves what label they want to hang on it. At the moment I am fully booked and I won’t sacrifice my family time for it.

    If there is anyone who would come with an solution for it I would be more than thankful. Doesn’t matter how, via Stackoverflow or other sources. Anything is good.

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