add_action( 'give_fields_donation_form_register_login_fields', function( $group ) {
give_field( 'text', 'address' )
->label( ( 'Your Address' )) ->maxLength(100) ->placeholder('Enter Address') ->storeAsDonorMeta() ->required() // Could instead be marked as readOnly() (optional) ->helpText( ( 'We will never share your address with anyone' ) ) //how this is displayed is up to the template, but if the template has help text displayed, this is how to set it.
add_action( 'give_fields_donation_form_register_login_fields', function( $group ) {
give_field( 'text', 'pan' )
->label( ( 'Your PAN card' )) ->maxLength(30) ->placeholder('Enter PAN card') ->storeAsDonorMeta() ->required() // ->required() // Could instead be marked as readOnly() (optional) ->helpText( ( 'We will never share your data with anyone' ) ) //how this is displayed is up to the template, but if the template has help text displayed, this is how to set it.
I am using above code for adding custom fields as based on your documentation mentioned here:
But this field doesn’t show up when exporting data neither it shows anywhere else.