• I’m trying to log in a Facebook user as a wordpress user using the wp_insert_user wp_auth_cookie and wp_set_current_user and wp_signon(null,true) in that order on the wp_loaded hook which gives me the user user_logged_in() result as true after the process…

    however in trying to refresh the page the user_logged_in() results false which again tries to repeat the steps above even though the user has been successfully created and logged in. It leads me to believe that either the is_user_logged_in is being called too early before the user can be instantiated or the user is not being properly logged in

    How can I safely check user is logged in after the user has been instantiated?

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  • <?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    	   global $user_login;
    <div id="loginInfo" width="100%" style="text-align:right;">
        <!-- text that logged in users will see -->
    <span style="margin-right:22px">Welcome <?php echo ucfirst($user_login); ?>????<a href="https://www.neweastsidecommunity.com" title="Logout">Log Out</a></span>

    [Please use the code buttons when posting code here]



    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
        echo 'Welcome, registered user!';
    } else {
        echo 'Welcome, visitor!';

    Start with above (and perhaps use PHP also to change some text?)


    is_user_logged_in() may not work, if the script is outside of wp folder ?? … yet, i am not sure about that.

    is_user_logged_in() may not work, if the script is outside of wp folder ?? … yet, i am not sure about that.

    Confirmed, I had the same problem and the dozen other threads on the internet did not have anyone mentioning this (or I didn’t read the manual right).

    Wrong Way

    Correct Way

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