• The site is not completely done, but it’s pretty close to the design I’m going to use for a while (I think). Before doing any further tweaking, though, I’d like to know how this looks – particularly on a windows machine, and/or in IE.

    I’m working on a Mac. I have a Mac at work – although we do have virtualized windows, and everything looks really weird through that. Is this too light?

    Any general feedback or suggestions will be appreciated as well, just keep in mind that 1.it’s not entirely done 2. I haven’t seen this on a windows machine or in IE. and 3. that PHP is completely new to me.

    Thanks very much.

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  • It’s not TOO light for me, but on other systems and people with different levels of eyesight might have a problem. I’m on XP and a 22″ widescreen LCD monitor at high resolution.

    For better contrast, I might select a darker font color.

    I really love it. Stately and minimal. I agree that it could be harder for people with poor eyesight, but if you were feeling adventurous you could create an alternate stylesheet and incorporate a switcher to allow the user to select a low-vision version.

    It’s not “too light”, but I just haven’t any interest in staying on sites with no color.

    Not bad.

    I’m with OldPhart though — a bit darker font would help my old-but-not-as-old-as-Vkaryl eyes out a bit. ??

    *laughing* NO ONE is as old as I am, handyman! But I found the contrast agreeable, just I’m not into grey. Other than that I love winter…. which has fled unfortunately.

    *plaintive whine* Could someone PLEASE help me get moved to Alaska’s North Slope? *sigh*

    Two words: too little. Both in contrast terms as well as the font size.

    Thread Starter vonsomething


    Thanks for the feedback. I’m pretty happy with it visually, but agreed pizdin – especially the body copy is too small – if it’s actually going to be read (although that remains to be seen:)

    I may darken up the sidebar headers and the links below the main header. I’ll have to find a place to view them in Windows myself before I decide. I can always go to the public library…

    As for the all monochromatic appearance, vkaryl – I’m fairly drawn to that personally. Not exclusively, in fact, I tried two other color combinations before this – I just wasn’t happy with either of them. I’m in the process of setting up another site – in glorious technicolor! But with this one, I wanted subtle. The concept was that the design would be so subtle as to force the content to stand on its own (okay, give that some time). Kind of the minimal thing sewmyheadon referred to (Thanks SMHO!).

    Thanks again. I continue to be impressed with the nature of the wordpress community.

    Other than that I love winter…. which has fled unfortunately.

    Not up here. Come visit CT. We just had a nor’easter yesterday. There was *nothing* on the ground day before (and 60 degree temps), and this morning it’s up to 8 inches in my driveway. Nice. (That’s not sarcasm, either – I absolutely ADORE snow! I’m all excited right now!)

    I love minimalistic designs. Good work!

    I do, however, think that the text is too light. I also think everything would look better if your articles were one font-size larger. It’s borderline too small.

    good luck!

    The only thing I don’t like is that it’s not completely done ;o) Cause for me there’s nothing too light, too little contrast, too little fonts, too little style, too little… For me it’s completely done.

    The concept was that the design would be so subtle as to force the content to stand on its own

    Form follows function.

    i too like the minimalism…but would a minimalist theme have a font like yours? i have no suggestions, but maybe find something a bit squarer and bolder.

    on the up side, grey on white is better than black on white, which would look absolutely pointless…

    Ya know … if you changed the background color to something like DCD9BE – it would make all the difference in the world. Still minimalistic, but provide somewhat more contrast.

    Thread Starter vonsomething


    Great feedback, thanks everyone. I have bumped the type up 1/2 -1 point across the board. Any more and I just didn’t like the way it looked anymore. Maybe once I’ve gotten used to this, I’ll bump it again, and it won’t seem so drastic.

    I’ve also made most text elements darker – but only slightly.

    Epicalex – I’m not sure what font(s) displays on your browser, I assume Georgia, and Verdana – If you don’t have those installed on your system, something could be defaulting. Of course I’m limited to using typefaces that are commonly found on all platforms – I can code it to use Blair, for (a very square) example, but not all machines are going to have that, and I would just end up guessing at what it will cascade down to, rather than being fairly certain that Georgia and Verdana are on the computers of 90% + of visitors…

    I did actually start out with Verdana on the headers also, but just didn’t like the way it looked. Trebuchet looks pretty good for the headers, but apparently ever third blog thinks so too, and I didn’t want it to look like every third blog. I have meant to do some research – since it’s been a while since I’ve done any web design – to see what fonts are found on the majority of computers now – but I haven’t gotten around to it. Finally, I’m not sure minimalism and serif typefaces are mutually exclusive, I guess that’s debatable. Either way, I’m fairly pleased with it at this point, but I will get to some typeface research eventually.

    OldPhart, I did paste that hex number in just to see – it’s not too far off of one of the original color schemes I looked at initially, and I like it – it just didn’t work on this layout for me – different strokes…

    Again, all the feedback has been really helpful – I’ve given every comment serious thought (well, the serious ones anyway ??

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