Great feedback, thanks everyone. I have bumped the type up 1/2 -1 point across the board. Any more and I just didn’t like the way it looked anymore. Maybe once I’ve gotten used to this, I’ll bump it again, and it won’t seem so drastic.
I’ve also made most text elements darker – but only slightly.
Epicalex – I’m not sure what font(s) displays on your browser, I assume Georgia, and Verdana – If you don’t have those installed on your system, something could be defaulting. Of course I’m limited to using typefaces that are commonly found on all platforms – I can code it to use Blair, for (a very square) example, but not all machines are going to have that, and I would just end up guessing at what it will cascade down to, rather than being fairly certain that Georgia and Verdana are on the computers of 90% + of visitors…
I did actually start out with Verdana on the headers also, but just didn’t like the way it looked. Trebuchet looks pretty good for the headers, but apparently ever third blog thinks so too, and I didn’t want it to look like every third blog. I have meant to do some research – since it’s been a while since I’ve done any web design – to see what fonts are found on the majority of computers now – but I haven’t gotten around to it. Finally, I’m not sure minimalism and serif typefaces are mutually exclusive, I guess that’s debatable. Either way, I’m fairly pleased with it at this point, but I will get to some typeface research eventually.
OldPhart, I did paste that hex number in just to see – it’s not too far off of one of the original color schemes I looked at initially, and I like it – it just didn’t work on this layout for me – different strokes…
Again, all the feedback has been really helpful – I’ve given every comment serious thought (well, the serious ones anyway ??