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  • After a quick visit inside the source of this beautiful theme, some notes:
    – this theme is not fully translation ready (localizable), some texts are not localizable with text domain ‘theron’.
    – function load_theme_textdomain is not present,
    – you must create a sub-folder languages and use a tool to extract msg files (.pot, .po)…
    – some queries inside must be customized to incorporate language taxonomy,
    – the work is important to examine all sources. If you do it, what happens if the theron author update ?
    – …
    As user of xili-language plugin the older brother of Polylang, I confirm that your choice will depend of your capabilities in WP and php… and your wishes in maintenance to obtain a well designed multilingual theme.
    Good works,

    Thread Starter dps102


    Thank you, Marcel. I need to digest what you said. I am hoping the author of this theme will offer to internationalize Theron Lite, as WP’s reach is international, and so is his design. It doesn’t make sense for each user to customize his/her own Theron Lite for the same purpose.

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    yes I will provide a translation ready version of the theme pretty soon. and hopefully translate the in 4-5 languages.

    Thread Starter dps102


    Thread Starter dps102


    Wow, Towflq l. himself! Thank you for offering. Then I will eagerly wait for your update. Your theme will be so powerful with this capability, and I will definitely promote it to anyone other than my competitors, haha!

    Thread Starter dps102


    Should I release the English version now or wait for your translation version to be ready? I am hoping to release it live before the end of this month.

    Thread Starter dps102


    I am setting up French, Chinese-China, and Chinese-Taiwan, if this is what you need to know when you say ‘setting up in 4-5 languages’. Or, maybe I can add those .mo files to the languages folder myself. Just let me know where the folder is located. Thanks.

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    I hope I will release the translated version within the end of this month. and not sure about the languages yet.

    Thread Starter dps102


    Hi Towfig l. wonder if the translated version is done yet? Thank you. Victor

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    Sorry. Not yet, but will be in near future.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Thread Starter dps102


    No, thank you for accepting my request. I am pressed to start building. Any harm building my site with the current version and then update it to the internationalized version? Or should I wait?

    Theme Author Towfiq I.


    yes you can start building with current version. You can manually update later as there will be only few changes in the next update.

    Thread Starter dps102


    Hi, any good news on this yet?

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