Hi, sorry for the late reply but WP.org doesn’t email me to say someone has posted here (github does) and I don’t check here as often as I should.
Yes it’s in active development. I use the plugin every day and I can’t wait for it to get better but it’s just having the time. I’m due to push an update soon-ish it’s just I’ve been a little busy, that combined with the current feature I’m working on giving me some real trouble has meant I haven’t pushed my recent commits to github or the WP repository.
I’m adding a colour picker for hex colours which works fine. You double click the color value in the editor and the color picker shows, you choose a predefined color and then click the button to insert into the editor. That in its self is a little useful but the real power is to be able to drag your own colour swatch or image from your site (say your logo) and then be able to pick colours from that. This is what I’m having trouble with, the jQuery droppable UI, getting it to accept the image. I had it working in a limited way but now it’s not working at all.
Really I should just add the neeeded functions like upload files, zips and delete files but where is the fun in that lol.