@paul: I was reading up on taxonomy queries all day yesterday, but haven’t been able to get this to work.
I added a custom field dpa_achievement_category_for_badge to the custom taxonomy which stores if the acheivement category is to be used for badges or not.
This value is saved in [wp_prefix]_options table as the following example:
option_id: 1545
option_name: taxonomy_87
option_value: a:1:{s:34:"dpa_achievement_category_for_badge";s:1:"1";}
autoload: yes
The taxonomy_87 refers to the achievement category term_taxonomy_id, and the option_value holds all the information. Any suggestions on where to go from here? I haven’t found any examples of queries that actually fetch and filter based on custom taxonomy custom fields — or at least I haven’t been able to get any of them to work.
The following results in a completely incorrect query that seems to not even consider the taxonomy:
var_dump(new WP_Query(array(array("taxonomy"=>"dpa_achievement_category", "field"=>"dpa_achievement_category_for_badge", "terms"=>"1"))));