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  • Will do ?? Thanks for the link, I’ll look into that.

    Example 1: Badge on bbPress profile page underneath the avatar image:
    This is implemented by adding the following code to the template file in the child-theme:

    <div id="dpa_achievement_badge">
    			<?php dpa_achievement_badge(bbp_get_user_id( null, true, false ), "small"); ?>

    Example 2: Badge on profile information in comment and author info:

    Future Features: tighter integration with Achievement-supported plugins, like bbPress, BuddyPress, etc.

    @paul: I was reading up on taxonomy queries all day yesterday, but haven’t been able to get this to work.

    I added a custom field dpa_achievement_category_for_badge to the custom taxonomy which stores if the acheivement category is to be used for badges or not.
    This value is saved in [wp_prefix]_options table as the following example:

    option_id: 1545
    option_name: taxonomy_87
    option_value: a:1:{s:34:"dpa_achievement_category_for_badge";s:1:"1";}
    autoload: yes

    The taxonomy_87 refers to the achievement category term_taxonomy_id, and the option_value holds all the information. Any suggestions on where to go from here? I haven’t found any examples of queries that actually fetch and filter based on custom taxonomy custom fields — or at least I haven’t been able to get any of them to work.

    The following results in a completely incorrect query that seems to not even consider the taxonomy:
    var_dump(new WP_Query(array(array("taxonomy"=>"dpa_achievement_category", "field"=>"dpa_achievement_category_for_badge", "terms"=>"1"))));

    [Moderated] check-out [link to non-WP commercial product removed] It is a global service for badges and achievements. There is already a shortcut plugin for this service and full-integration plugin coming up soon.

    Tomas, was looking at Badge Fever, and even there to implement it in wordpress you need to do custom coding in your theme, or at the very least install another plugin.

    Obviously you know what Achievements for WordPress is, and as a plugin it will evolve and get more features. I don’t think it’s quite right to troll here for users in this support forum as a developer on Badge Fever. This is a support forum, and we’re all trying to help each other out here. There are those that like Achievements for WordPress just fine and just want to tweak it here and there.

    @tomas – per forum policy, please do not use these forums to promote outside plugins or services.

    Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    I think advertising your service/plugin on a competitor’s *support* thread is cheeky, at best.

    Everyone: start new topics for follow-up please. This was a support request/question which has been resolved.

    @wpyogi Thanks for jumping in so promptly! ??

    No problem and since this is resolved – it’s now closed.

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