Yes, you can use the WP All Import plugin to import the data. However, you will need to make sure you map the meta data correctly. If you aren’t importing GPS coordinates, then you will need a way to fetch those and import them as well so things will show on the map as expected. The plugin will only pull items with actual GPS coordinates for display on the map.
The following are the mappings for meta fields:
_stlr_places_formatted_address (full address)
_stlr_places_street_address (street address)
_stlr_places_locality (city)
_stlr_places_region (state)
_stlr_places_postal_code (zip)
_stlr_places_country (country)
_stlr_places_latitude (latitude)
_stlr_places_longitude (longitude)
In order to follow best practices, I recommend importing the GPS coordinates to the following fields as well:
If you need an automated way to fetch GPS coordinates, I can create a plugin that will fetch those things automatically, but I’d have to charge for that. Visiting each location and hitting the ‘Update’ button will actually fetch the GPS coordinates automatically, but there currently isn’t a bulk method for doing this such as in your import scenario.