Site speed seems to have improved a bit …?
Still some errors showing.
f.e. empty scriptline in line 14 + make sure you use correct html.
<script type=”text/javascript”></script>
Don’t use ”, use “.
Google analytics is in the wrong place. Either put it inside the head tags or inside the body tag, not between the head and body.
Your html is still flawed. Missing closing elements. Validate your html:
(look for missing tags)
I’m also looking at that jCarouselLite script in your code. Are you actually using that? Can’t see any slider on your site. If not, remove.
Looking into this, you have some javascript errors. This: jquery.jcarousel.pack.js needs to be loaded after you load jquery.js. This is important.
Some other points: lots of inline css and scripting on your page. Some is flawed, f.e. line 225
<div id="logoimg" style="background-color:; padding:1px 0;">
No background-color declared.
As a rule, avoid inline scripting (javascript inside html) and try and place all your css together in seperate style sheets.
Also, would be nice to put css in the head and scripts in the end of the html (just before closing body tag).
A note on the tabs. All the tabs (and the images inside them) load simultaneously. So that’s a lot of requests to the server before the page is loaded.