• Tiago ADPS


    Hi, I searched around for this, found people having the same issue but did not find and answer.

    I’m using anchors in some of my links, but the plugin completely ignores what comes after the hashtag on a link.

    Eg: This link opens a page just fine: /2016-02-25/
    This link opens the same page but doesn’t follow the anchor to the bottom of the page:

    Which renders the link useless, unfortunately.
    I’ve removed the hashtag from the HREF Ignore List, with no success.

    So, is there a way to allow anchor links to work properly with this plugin?

    Many thanks


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  • rachpape37


    Thank you so much for posting this!

    I am having the same exact issue, plugin ignores anything after the hashtag, thus none of my anchor links work!

    I hope polylang will resolve this issue as soon as possible !


    It’s almost there but not quite.

    Modern themes are full of anchor links. This makes the plugin useless. For instance on hidden comment boxes and in WPcourseware students can’t take exams because they have to click on an anchor link to start an exam.

    There’s no way to exclude those clicks. Yes on mobile the (BuddyBoss) tabs don’t work.

    This is rather a good plugin for old themes only I guess.

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