Hi shootermk,
I understand your need to have the title in the same row as the input fields.
However, editing code in the files is never the best solution. You will lose changes with updates, and it gets fairly complicated to offer support.
Here’s how to transform design 01 to look like design 02:
- Choose form design 01
- Under Form Options, check “Hide the subtitle” and “Hide the disclaimer”
- Add the code below in your Custom CSS field
#optinforms-form1-title {display:inline;float:left;width:23%!important;margin:0 2% 0 0!important;text-align:left;}
#optinforms-form1-name-field-container, #optinforms-form1-email-field-container {width:28%!important;}
You can style your form background color and title under Style Your Form.
Check out your website and see what it looks like. Please note that the form preview in your administration panel will not display the form in one row, but your form on the front-end will be.
Let me know if you’re able to set it up.