• Hi,

    whenever i try to post this block of text into my blog in the about me section the page wont work and will refer me to my hosting site it’s a weird problem. Are there some punctuations that you cannot use in wordpress?

    “I’m a student at a private high school. I have aspirations of owning my own Hedge Fund. But I’m not really sure what I want to do out of college, maybe investment banking maybe private trading. I still have to decide. But currently I spend my time focusing on my studies and learning as much as possible about the markets.”

    I dont see anything wrong with it and i’m trying to post without the quotes

    any help much appreciated

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  • Do you mean where it goes in the sidebar? Or are you talking about entering it into the text field on a page you’re editing?

    Thread Starter jamez515


    entering it into a text field specifically the the new page section


    Have you updated any other information yet?
    (Can you make a new post or create another page?)

    Thread Starter jamez515


    Yes, what i tried doing was entering the text paragraph by paragraph and as soon as i put the above paragraph the page no longer works.

    I thought maybe it could have been possibly that the post was to long so i tried making a new page that would only have the above paragraph in it and i get the same problem.

    perplexing the heck out of me because it doesn’t seem to make any sense.


    Thread Starter jamez515


    also as a sidenote everything else works fine

    That’s a weird problem…

    That paragraph posts fine for me. There must be something more sinister afoot.

    So, other page posts work fine?

    And the page works if that paragraph is omitted, but not if it’s included?

    I pasted it into one of my blogs and it worked. Are you using the visual editor or the code editor to input text (the tabs above the input field)?

    If you’re using visual, switch to code and copy the text then come back here and paste it. Make sure you put tick marks around the code when you paste it here (next to the 1 key on your keyboard’s row of top numbers).

    Thread Starter jamez515


    I'm a student at a private high school. I have aspirations of owning my own Hedge Fund. But I'm not really sure what I want to do out of college, maybe investment banking maybe private trading. I still have to decide. But currently I spend my time focusing on my studies and learning as much as possible about the markets.

    that’s exactly what’s in the code section….and as soon i click save and continue i get refered back to my host…and shown a 403 error i don’t get it there’s no code in the input fields…unless i’m doing something wrong

    Delete the about page your editing and create a new one. Maybe it got corrupted somehow. The other option is to start deleting individual sentences until you find the problem.

    Thread Starter jamez515


    i tried looking again and found this:

    <code>I'm a student at a private high school. I have aspirations of owning my own Hedge Fund. But I'm not really sure what I want to do out of college, maybe investment banking maybe private trading. I still have to decide. But currently I spend my time focusing on my studies and learning as much as possible about the markets.</code>

    That’s wierd. Try deleting the code tags.

    Thread Starter jamez515


    yea im going to try entering each sentence at a time because removing the code tags does nothing

    Thread Starter jamez515


    maybe investment banking maybe private trading.

    this is the problem although it makes no sense. entering this string of text renders the page null

    That is so weird.
    Have you been copying and pasting the whole time? What happens if you delete that line and then type it back in manually?

    Thread Starter jamez515


    Well i was copying and pasting the whole time so i just tried creating a new page and typing the string yet i still get the same result same 403 error from my host.

    Seeing as i know what string not to type I just pasted the whole post, about 5 paragraphs, without that sentence and everything went through smooth.

    So i think the problem lies in one of these two possibilities:

    1. Maybe my host doesn’t allow for one of those terms to posted on their servers. Which doesn’t seem normal but could possibly happen.
    2. I should not be considering private trading or investment banking and should stick to my hedge fund ideas.
    hahaha : )

    Such a weird problem to have but its been solved. So thanks to everyone for the help.

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