There is no limit. But queries are written very poorly.
That has to be improved.
Like one of the sample change mentioned here:
in file: page_post_redirect_plugin.php
in function: get_main_array
Original Query:
$theqsl = “SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta a, $wpdb->posts b WHERE a.post_id
= b.ID
AND b.post_status
!= ‘trash’ AND ( a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_active’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_rewritelink’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_newwindow’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_relnofollow’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_type’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_url’) ORDE R BY a.post_id
Needs to be changed to this:
$theqsl = “SELECT a.*, b.ID, b.post_status FROM $wpdb->postmeta a, $wpdb->posts b WHERE a.post_id
= b.ID
AND b.post_status
!= ‘trash’ AND ( a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect _active’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_rewritelink’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_newwindow’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_relnofollow’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_type’ OR a.meta_key
= ‘_pprredirect_url’) ORDER BY a.post_id
There is one more place where it is getting huge number of rows (not sure if that can be reduced by changing this query):
line 651:
$finalSQL = “SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as m1
WHERE {$whereSQL} m1.post_id IN ( SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as m
WHERE 1 = 1 AND m.meta_key =’_ppr redirect_active’ AND m.meta_value = ‘1’);”;
@anadnet Could you please do the above modifications. It will greatly enhance this plugin.