Just a bit more information. I’m asking because I encountered the same issue described here
but the previous person that pointed out the issue did not describe it in details so let me add additional information
For me it’s this warning
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "item_reference" in /path/to/slm-api-listener.php on line 118
Why it’s appearing
In PHP 7.4 and earlier, accessing an undefined array key would generate an E_NOTICE level error, which is often suppressed or ignored in production environments.
In PHP 8+, this behavior has changed:
PHP 8+ Behavior: Accessing an undefined array key now generates an E_WARNING level error.
That’s why the error appears for anybody switching to PHP 8+, in my case 8.2 (unless errors are disabled somewhere in the flow)
for example
$fields['item_reference'] = trim( sanitize_text_field( $_REQUEST['item_reference'] ) );
the code attempts to access $_REQUEST
without checking if the key exists in the $_REQUEST
array. If this key is not present in the request (it’s an optional parameter), PHP 8 we’ll raise that warning
To temporarily solve this issue, I switched off display_errors = Off
in php.ini
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