The short answer is yes.
And here’s the long answer ??
The Premium version extends the free version of the plugin – and uses its same design, so you can try the free version of the plugin and then see if its design meets your requirements.
The plugin embeds within your theme, so it’s the theme that needs to be mobile ready (or you more probably want a ‘responsive’ theme, that supports both mobile and full-website formats.
We provide 2 formats – narrow and wide. This is really to accommodate full-website formats, as some themes have 3 columns (or 2 wide columns) and therefore the recipe photograph and the recipe overview can’t sit side by side.
So for a mobile/responsive view, you will need a theme that supports this, plus you will probably want to set our plugin to use the narrow view – this can be done within the page:
– GetMeCooking Settings
– General Settings
– Do you want to use the wide theme? (untick)