Is the persistent object cache warning necessary?
After updating to WordPress 6.1, Site Health now gives a warning that “You should use a persistent object cache.”
As this is quite a technical issue to resolve, is it reasonable to expect most WordPress users can act on this warning?
I checked with the developers for my cache plugins, and the response was that a persistent object cache was not necessary.
As all my sites are scoring 100% on most tests, I tend to agree.
Perhaps this warning could be reconsidered during the next update, as I don’t see any great benefit for most users.
All it does is create unnecessary anxiety for users.
This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
Steven Stern (sterndata).
This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
Although you are quite right, the concept is quite technical, the Site Health item is just a recommendation, and it’s an important one.
It’s a valuable addition for every site, large and small, not only does it save potentially expensive SQL queries and internal bandwidth traversing back and forth between the web application, and the database layer, but it also speeds up areas of your site that a traditional full-page cache (which is what most hosts promote as their cache solutions these days) is not able to do due to the nature of being logged in.
This is also part of helping to reduce the processing power required to run a website, which is a net positive for the environment (one small site might not make a huge difference, but there are many many small sites out there, it all adds up).
I don’t know who your cache plugin is, nor does that really matter, cache plugins generally also provide full-page cache solutions, much like I just described, and do not handle the heavy lifting in the back-end (or on other types of sites where caching the entire page is not possible for various reasons)
Thanks for your feedback.
Okay, I’ll investigate whether I can resolve this issue when I have time.
But as you say, it’s only a recommendation.
So from that, I don’t believe it to be a critical issue as far as I can tell.
I noticed this “recommendation” when I was trying out 6.1RC1. Since many of my clients have dynamic pages and using a persistent cache would be disastrous, I had them add the following line to their wp-config.php files before 6.1 was released:
$GLOBALS['wp_filter']['site_status_should_suggest_persistent_object_cache'][999]['dion'] = ['function' => '__return_false', 'accepted_args' => 1];
This is (IMO) another example of Site Health attempting to dictate server configurations without providing any information about the ramifications of its recommendations. In this specific case, nowhere does it mention the very large potential problem of the loss of dynamic content when a persistent cache is used.
The naming may be a bit misleading, if you are unfamiliar with the technology behind it, but a persistent object cache is not generally a problem for dynamic sites.
What it means is that the requests handled by PHP, and the objects it generates, may be cached. One example of this is that WordPress may look up posts by a given author, that’s one object, but if the author changes, that’s a different object, and a different cache. This also applies to scenarios where there are logged in users, who would have their own identifiers, since each user is a different one (this of course depends on what you are caching and how you are grouping this, but WordPress by it self should not have any problems here).
I’m well aware of how the WP internal cache system is set up and how plugins can use APCu/Redis/Memcached/etc and an advanced-cache.php file to implement a persistent cache. Your response is more than a bit condescending given that you have no knowledge of my clients’ sites, some of which require the display of dynamic content to guests.
FWIW…OPCache offers much more “bang for the buck” than a persistent cache since it doesn’t require a plugin to implement, and as long as it wasn’t configured by a moron, it offers dramatic performance improvements and won’t interfere with sites. It should IMO be the strongest server-based recommendation in Site Health.
Anyway, I stand by my comment: this is yet another example of WordPress attempting to dictate server configurations without providing information about the ramifications of its “recommendations”. (The “recommendations” also assume that WordPress is the only PHP-based application on a server, but that’s a different issue and discussion.)
On that note…I’m done here.
I updated to WordPress 6.1 a few days ago & have started to get the ‘persistent object cache’ message in site health. I followed the advice & contacted my web site host who told me they dont have memcache or Redis on their servers. They suggested I enable ‘opcache’ from the cPanel if it wasn’t already enabled. I found it was enabled already.
Now this stuff is above my level of understanding, but it seems that I have done what I can.
Is there anything else I can do to get rid of the ‘health nag’ ?
I’m not smart enough to start accessing files to add or change lines of code & expect there are probably many many WordPress users like me in that boat.
I have spent a considerable time (wasted) trying to deal with this as a direct result of the site health message, & feel a little cheesed off as a result.
Messages put into site health should address all users at all levels.
If it had said “This message is a result of new checks being done by WP6.1” it would have been helpful.
If it had added “If your webhost cant supply this don’t worry about it if everything is working as usual” it would have saved a *lot* of time and frustration.
Now, is there an easy simple way to just turn the nag off, or do all us on servers without memcache or Redis just have to put up with it?
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
@bobsled , @diondesigns , @cuppa500
The following code (to be added to functions.php) fixes the totally-annoying and totally-counterintuitive auto-suggestion:
add_filter( 'site_status_should_suggest_persistent_object_cache', '__return_false' );
This supposed to be a temporary fix, but I’m afraid we all need to be prepared this snippet will need to be manually added to all client sites for eternity… ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ
Thanks to @bandonrandon for the swift commenting…
Thanks Gabor Lippert.
I understand what is required, just wish I had the understanding of how to implement it. I could probably re-learn how to use FTP & find the file & work out how to edit it – but my fear of getting it wrong & stuffing something up is enough to make me feel it’s too big a risk.
I’m sure for folk used to pages of code it’s a very simple copying & pasting task & the info for them will be very handy.
Can we please get an options to remove these warnings, I do absolutely not want this.
Totally agree with others here that persistent object cache warning is totally annoying. Everybody already knows caching speeds up the site and reduces server load! I’m running WordPress on DigitalOcean server and using WP Fastest Cache on some sites so persistent object cache is not needed in that implementation. Also, I looked into other caching plugins and it appears the only one that turns off the warning is W3 Total Cache (others that work, such as Redis, are a headache to install), thus effectively forcing users to choose W3 Total Cache plugin to get rid of the warning.
Thanks, Dion, for sharing the wp-config code. Solved my problem and gives me the freedom to choose the caching plugin I want.
Possibly even worse for those not ‘in the know’, clicking on the relevant link in the ‘recommendation’ leads to a ‘This page does not exist’ with a search field. The search function lends to the impression that WordPress do not know what they are talking about because, searching manually for Persistent Object Cache renders a zero result !!!
I love wordpress. I thank everyone involved. <3
Please reconsider the way this is Health Check is implemented..
I have a client right now with a small site.. they don’t need object cache no matter what anyone thinks. The site is very basic and has a defined set of a few users..**HOWEVER** she sees that “health status” and continually complains about it even though I explain to her that to resolve that she would need to pay for an improved server.
She refuses to upgrade, forgets, and complains again. This is getting absurd as other clients have mentioned this to me but they understand it when I explain it to them.
PLEASE provide a method (other than me removing the code for it).. as I am sure thousands of people are becoming irked by this.
What’s that saying ? For everyone one person who takes the time to register to make a post, there’s 100 ? or 1000 ? who don’t ? IDK how many but you get the point.
Thank you all @ WP for all you do. <3 -
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