is the ASA1 a wordpress-amazon affilate plugin – that includes reviews too ?
hello dear friend,
i have used your plugin several years ago. and i really loved it.
now i am thinking to begin again with this great plugin.
i need some extra features:
i am looking for a wordpress-amazon affilate plugin – that includes reviews too – is this possible in other words: i need to port over from the amazon-page the reviews
is this possible!? – is your plugin capable and ready for this to hear from you
thank you for your request. Reviews from buyers in text form are not delivered by the Amazon PA API and the terms of use do not allow the use of these. Anyway, it would be duplicate content, which is not appreciated by Google.
The star ratings are also not delivered by the API. However, ASA2 tries to pull this data from the product page, which is not always guaranteed to be successful, as Amazon tries to block this request. You can read more about this issue here: and here: hope I was able to help you. If you still have questions, please let me know.
Hi there – good day – dear Timo – i am happy to hear from you
guess that you are right and that the wanted features are not any features that are supported by the Amazon-TOS..
see – cf:
Using API to fetch Product Reviews and Star Rating. Amazon Rating Stars and Rating Count with Product Advertising API – unfortunatly i think that Amazon does not support this any more. So you are right..
For the rest of the users here i will try to explain in short what is aimed: what i am after is the following:bPulling Amazon Rating Stars, Rating Count and Product reviews with Product Advertising API
What I am after is being able to pull just the stars, and the amount of reviews for a given product WITHOUT breaking the TOS of Amazon. I do not want to display all of the reviews – but a part of them would be nice….
the following text is a short version of one of the above mentioned links.
and such that are inside of the iframe that they let you use. I am able to display the iframe, but I don’t need to display that much information. So to be clear, I just want the Stars and the # of reviews (the average customer review, and # of reviews).
If you want to go the extra mile and tell me how, I’d really appreciate knowing how via PHP! If this is against the TOS, that’s all Id really need to know. If it is, I’d love it if you could provide me a link to where it says that it IS against the TOS.
Thanks for any and all help! It’s always appreciated.I don’t know about the TOS, but to do that in php, if there is no official api, you can use simple_html_dom:
<?php define('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 6000000); include './simple_html_dom.php'; //Your product amazon's url $url = ''; $html = file_get_html($url); $review_section = $html->find('#averageCustomerReviews',0); $stars = $review_section->find('#reviewStarsLinkedCustomerReviews',0)->plaintext; preg_match('/\d+\.{0,1}\d*/',$stars,$match); echo "Stars: ".$match[0]; //Shoud be stars echo "<br />"; $reviews = $review_section->find('#acrCustomerReviewText',0)->plaintext; preg_match('/\d+/',$reviews,$match); echo "Reviews: ".$match[0] //Shoud be reviews number
dear Tima – i am happy to hear from you.
i love to hear from you – and i am happy about and and all ideas and sharing of insights and knowledgeto sume it up: timo – you regard all the ways and methods to fetch reviews as against the TOS – so i guess that there is no appropiate way to do just a little fetch of that kind of information – with a So called “quick and dirty – solution”? ?!
you think that all these trials are nasty and not appropiate!?
love to hear form you.
many many thanks for your great plugin and the continued and sustainable development…
hello dear Timo hello dear all,
do not bear with me – ih have some additional infos – that i want to share with you here. just in case anybody is interested in this topic
the only wp-plugin which was capable to do this job was Scrapeazon – but this will sot can read on the page:
On March 9, 2020, Amazon will remove access to the Amazon Production Advertising API versions 4.0 and earlier. The new version of the API, 5.0, does NOT support the retrieval of customer reviews for products. Therefore, ScrapeAZon can no longer pull and display reviews from Amazon’s site. These changes make the ScrapeAZon plugin obsolete, since it will no longer display reviews. You should seek an alterate reviews solution. sad thing…
btw: I found some articles how to get products data:
Querying Amazon’s product details with the Amazon Product Advertising API Product API Exploration: Let’s Build a Product Searcher the last one: how to get Amazon product information through API to you Timo for your great plugins – – i love your work!! Thanks for the continued and sustainable work … keep up your great project it rocks
hi there Timo _
just one idea left: whoat about a so called I_frame Solution?! Guess that i-frame would probably be a solution (that on the one handside looks sometimes damned awful ) but on the other handside probably would prevent us to infringe the Amazon-TOS!?
any idea – any thought – how do you like this idea?
hi there – sorry for the continued updaates…
see this option:
To get a clear knowledge of Amazon Reviews, look at the list of the most outstanding functions. They make the widget really efficient for you:Three available filters: by type, exclude by, and quantity of reviews;
Four predefined layouts: List, Grid, Masonry, and Slider;
An opportunity to control displaying the header of the widget;
Review request button gets visitors to the Amazon page;
Six flexible elements of the widget: author name and photo, recommendation text, date, Amazon icon, and star rating;
Two options of scenarios after review request denial: reveal a text message or remove the button;Sorry for my late reply. It was a lot of information you left here… ?? Thanks for all the interesting hints and thoughts you have. I am glad that you appreciate my plugins.
The iframe to show the Amazon ratings page is a nice idea, even if it would go slightly beyond the scope of a standard product template.
ASA2 can still read the product ratings because it is not dependent on the API response and therefore continues to work with PA API 5. However, regardless of the technology used, Captcha responses are becoming more and more frequent with automated requests.
The best approach to avoid this is to use proxy servers. ASA2 supports the use of proxy servers, see
We still have a few new ideas in the pipeline to improve the process. However, since these are relatively complex, they are currently only available in ASA2 (
I look forward to further feedback from you. ??
hello dear Timo,
thanks for the reply – great to hear from you. ASA1 and ASA2 are the best plugins in the field of AWS-Plugins.
the iframe-idea is pretty interesting – especailly if we look at the above mentioned thoughts from the aouthor of Scrapeazon – james.
we can read on the page:
scrapeazon On March 9, 2020, Amazon will remove access to the Amazon Production Advertising API versions 4.0 and earlier. The new version of the API, 5.0, does NOT support the retrieval of customer reviews for products. Therefore, ScrapeAZon can no longer pull and display reviews from Amazon’s site. These changes make the ScrapeAZon plugin obsolete, since it will no longer display reviews. You should seek an alterate reviews solution.
Sad sad thing…
The iframe to show the Amazon ratings page is a nice idea, even if it would go slightly beyond the scope of a standard product template.
thanks for the hint by the way: the discussion regarding inclusion of content via Framing and embedding is pretty interesting and – a quite long discussion for the last 15 years. afaik the inclusion of the content via iframe & embeddingsee here a very interesting article:
this is one of the best article covering this topic.
conclusion: At least to me – it seems that the method of embedding and iframing is not breaking the Amazon-rules. – how do you think about this.
[sorry – for the german language – at least you Timo can read & understand this]
bb) L?sung: übernahme via Framing:Glücklicherweise ergeben sich aus dem Urheberrecht selbst jedoch Schranken und Handlungsm?glichkeiten, die die Verletzung von Rechten – sofern sie denn für die einzelnen Rezensionen existieren – von vorherein ausschlie?en. So k?nnte eine übernahme der Bewertungen von einer Drittwebsite mit den Mitteln des Framing erfolgen, die von der h?chstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung unter gewissen Voraussetzungen als stets zul?ssig bewertet wird.
Das Framing (auch ?Embedding“ genannt) ist ein Verfahren, bei welchem die übernahme eines HTML-Links in den Code der eigenen Website einen Wiedergaberahmen (Englisch: frame) erzeugt, in welchem die Drittinhalte angezeigt werden. Die Nutzung eines ?embedded links“ generiert so auf der Zielwebsite ein Fenster, das eine Verbindung zur verlinkten Seite herstellt und so die gewünschten Inhalte einbindet.
H?ndler k?nnten die HTML-Codes der Rubriken, in denen auf Drittseiten die Kundenbewertungen erfolgen, in den Quellcode ihres Webshops einbinden und so werbewirksam auf die externen Rezensionen verweisen.
Zwar war lange Zeit war umstritten, ob diese Einbettungsoption die Rechte der Urheber verletzt.
Diskutiert wurden insofern vor allem unzul?ssige Nutzungshandlungen in Form der ?ffentlichen Zug?nglichmachung gem. §19a UrhG und der ?ffentlichen Wiedergabe nach §15 Abs. 2 Satz 1 UrhG.
Allerdings erkl?rte der Europ?ische Gerichtshof das Framing in einer Grundsatzentscheidung (Beschluss vom 21.10.2014, Az. C-348/13) unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen für urheberrechtlich unbedenklich. Die einschl?gigen Argumentationsstr?nge übertrug sodann jüngst der BGH mit Urteil vom 09.07.2015(Az. I ZR 46/12) unter Heranziehung der ma?geblichen Umsetzungsbestimmungen des §19a und §15 Abs. 2 Satz 1 UrhG auf das deutsche Recht.see here a very interesting article:
back to your development. i am happy that ASA2 is developed so sustainable. this is great. Timo – i like your plugins – and i am interested to run ASA2 –
ASA2 can still read the product ratings because it is not dependent on the API response and therefore continues to work with PA API 5. However, regardless of the technology used, Captcha responses are becoming more and more frequent with automated requests.
The best approach to avoid this is to use proxy servers. ASA2 supports the use of proxy servers, see We still have a few new ideas in the pipeline to improve the process. However, since these are relatively complex, they are currently only available in ASA2 ( far as i understand your reply – you can include the review into the chunk of text that you pull with ASA2 – that is great.
i thought that James (the author of ScrapeAzon) mentioned – that this opotion will belong to the Amazon featured set of options.
i look forward to the further developent of the ASA 2 – … keep us informed…
best regards
say hello ??-
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
hello dear Timo,
again Say Hello here – i have tried to find more out and to get more insights.
and i was lucky – see here a further statement that is talking about the legal situation.
well i think that this is quite very promising.
sorry – for the german language here.what do you say – lool forward to hear from you
ps keep up the great project it rocks!!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me / us. ??
I am not a qualified legal expert. Regarding the iframe question, I think it is ok to display the product review page via iframe as long as the origin of the content is pointed out. Furthermore, it is technically possible to prevent the integration of a page via iframe. So Amazon could technically prevent the integration of their own pages via iframe. Maybe that is already the case, I don’t know, because I am not a friend of this approach. It might be an added value for the real visitor, but in terms of SEO in my opinion it doesn’t bring much advantage.
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