@aashik Thanks for your response. I considered using attributes for model numbers but I thought attributes were better suited to something that can be repeated across products, while model numbers are unique to each product. If I have 100 products with different model numbers than I would need to create a list of 100 attribute values that cannot be re-used for any other purpose.
At the beginning of the link you sent me on attributes it says “A third and important way to group products is to use attributes”. Which makes sense to me, an attribute that can be applied to more than one product and then can be filtered. If I used attributes for model numbers than there would be no grouping or need for filtering since each model number is unique.
Let’s say im opening a store called Apple and selling computers, each with their own unique model number and with new models coming out every year. Would you recommend to Apple to use the attributes field to display model number?
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