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  • Please have a look to

    I must know the open_basedir php ini setting and the complete temp folder path you can see in BackWPup > Settings > Tab: Information.

    And have a look if WP_TEMP_DIR is definied in wp-config.php

    In my case I didn’t have control over php.ini as it was locked down by the hosting company. They had a link in the open_basedir setting and nothing matched. It’s a bit dangerous (will need refitting after every update) but I solved the problem by changing inc/class-file.php to add:

    $open_base_dir = realpath($open_base_dir); // gwss 20151125

    just before
    $part = substr( $file, 0, strlen( $open_base_dir ) );

    It’d be nice if something like this could make it into a later release.

    Ok i Implement it plus the line $open_base_dir = strtolower( str_replace( '\\', '/', $open_base_dir ) );

    Thanks, those two line fixed my problem :

    $open_base_dir = realpath($open_base_dir);
    $open_base_dir = strtolower( str_replace( ‘\\’, ‘/’, $open_base_dir ) );

    just before
    $part = substr( $file, 0, strlen( $open_base_dir ) );


    Thanks everyone, adding the two lines has fixed the problem for me as well.

    The workaround worked for me too. Thanks!!

    Although I do not have much knowledge about PHP-programmaing, there is one thing I do not understand.

    I have configured my website with a vhost configuration (on a Synology NAS). In the vhost configuration file I use the directive DocumentRoot to declare the directory of my website (“/var/services/web/mywebsite”). It seems that BackWPup is not using this declaration. It finds “/volume1/web/mywebsite” for the first part of the temp and the log folder.

    Isn’t that strange? Is it possible (and if so should it not be better) to use the DocumentRoot declaration within BackpWPup?

    The Problem is that BackWPup must catch the configuration for this bevor a error cames up. So that we can give a hint to the user.

    You must know the backwpup sometimes needs files that are outside of the document root. And that it must respect open_basdir to avoid errors.

    I am not sure that I understand your reply quite right.

    In DocumentRoot I declare “/var/services/web/mywebsite” as the rootdirectory of my website and consequently “/var/services/web” is included in open_basedir. If BackWPup should use DocumentRoot than there are no errors.

    The strange thing is that BackWPup finds and uses “/volume1/web/mywebsite” as the rootdirectory of my website which internally points to exactly the same location als “/var/services/web/mywebsite”. This is a problem for me because for security reasons Synology advises not to use “/volume1/web/” in open_basedir. I do not understand why BackWPup finds “/volume1/web/mywebsite” as rootdirectory whereas I explicity declare “/var/services/web/mywebsite” as root.

    I htink there do some links there. BAckWPup uses realpath() php function to get the correct directory. and i think that must bne in open_baserdir setting.

    Hi Daniel,

    Since 6the of June this year BackWPup refuses to make backups again. I think this is after I updated BackWPup to a new version (I do not remember which version).

    Again I get the message: “Directory /var/services/web/website/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/logs is not in open basedir, please use another folder.” I do not know what you changed in that update but backing up with BackWPup is not working any more.

    In open_basedir I included the folder /var/services/web. I think this is quite right but apparently not enough.
    For your information: BackWPup > Settings > Tab: Information gives ‘Log-directory: /var/services/web/website/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/logs/

    Please help!. I hope you can solve this problem forever.

    Hi Daniel,

    I solved the problem. In BackWPup > Settings > Tab: Logs I declared a absolute path. If I declare a relative path then everything is working ok!

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