The answer is, no, do not install multiple SEO plugins. All in One SEO Pack is what you need.
First, AIOSEO Pack already has a sitemap generator that you need to enable under its Features panel. This will generate an XML sitemap for you, which you then register with Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, Pinterest, and if you want, Yandex or other search engines. I am not going to instruct you on how to do that here. Each service will guide you. The plugin has a great knowledgebase on its website at and each setting in the the plugins admin pages hav a “?” help icon with specific links to each section of the knowledgebase to explain what each feature does.
Second, All in One SEO Pack, under its General settings, has a Social Meta feature, that when active will help you assign the correct image, title, description, or even video for a social share per page or per post.
Third, the WordPress Media Library already has SEO for images, so there is no need to deal with any third party image seo plugin. But remember, you have to make sure your file names are changed to reflect what is in the image, then you need to fill out the Title, Description, Caption, and Alt Title for each image. The AIOSEO page sitemap will pick up and submit your image URLs.
To answer your question about AIOSEO Pack Pro, yes, you can purchase the Pro version, which has additional benefits for ecommerce, like SEO management for ecommerce taxonomies. You also get premium support and they will help you with questions like these.
There is far more to SEO than a plugin. You should seek to enable Let’s Encrypt free SSL through your webhost (if they offer it) or transfer your DNS management to Cloudflare and use their free, Flexible SSL service to secure your site, even if you don’t have Ecommerce.
Page Speed Optimization is also critical. So, you should be on a trusted web host that offers managed WordPress services like GetFlywheel or WP Engine. Relying on cheap, shared hosting will slow down your site. These services provide object caching to deliver flat WordPress pages as HTML and a CDN. You’ll want to hire a developer or you yourself should use Autoptimize plugin to enqueue scripts so that they load last and minify CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. You have to know what you’re doing to use this plugin effectively.
Alternatively, you can look to JetPack from Automattic for Photon, their image CDN, but they don’t yet offer object caching. JetPack just release an SEO module, but it’s only in the upgrade. There’s also an excellent cross posting utility under their Sharing module that connects your site to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and one other service I forget the name of, because I don’t use it.
By using AIOSEO Pack’s Social Meta module and JetPack’s Sharing module together, all your posts will be correctly configured to cross post to all relevant services. And, the Sharing module has sharing buttons for all major services.
If you try and mix and match SEO plugins, each may spawn it’s own XML sitemap file and then Google won’t know which one to read. That’s why you want to register your sitemap.xml file that is generated by AIOSEO Pack with Google Search Console under the “Crawl” page, so that Google has been notified that your site is live and you have a sitemap to crawl.
Remember that simply registering your sitemap.xml file with Google has no SEO benefit. You are not rewarded with page rank for connecting your site.
And, remember that backlinks in social media do not increase page rank either. Google cannot possibly crawl trillions of social media sites and authority of each user profile in social media is questionable, so for now, Google is not going to reward you with page rank if you’ve pushed hundreds or thousands of backlinks into social media.
There are many other SEO ranking signals. High quality backlinks from trusted and authoritative sources are critically important, so you want to get on the ball and have highly trafficked blogs and websites that have rank themselves link back to you.
This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Tony Zeoli.