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  • I do not trust this, too – I stay at 1.9.13 version for the next weeks. Never change a running system ??

    Stay with 1.9.13. New version is bugged, slow, lot’s of queries, heavy, ugly, no new features…
    Too bad, really good plugin ruined just like that.

    On my site everything works fine now. You can see a standard gallery here:

    Espially Version 2.0.7 was really weird, but 2.0.14 works without errors at the moment.

    And I have to say, I contacted photocrati and the support was very nice.



    There were some minor issues when I upgraded, but these were solved quickly. Now it just works fine for me.

    But there are people who seem to have some major problems. So whatever you do, with any plugins you install or update, always make a backup of your website (database and files), so you can revert easily when things don’t work as planned.

    It is also good practice to have a test instance of your website where you can test new plugins before installing on your main site. That way you avoid your main site from being offline or not working when you do need to revert to a backup!

    @toniclife well, probably you find a very rare combination of template and nextgen plugin that working fine.
    Did you check queries (now there are 3x more queries) and CPU usage?

    @solid_snake that depends on size of our gallery. If you have 500 or more pictures i will wait until photocrati fix memory (currently gallery drain server out of resources) and database junk issues.
    Hopefully in the next few weeks.
    In deed they customer support is very nice and responsive.

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