Hi @boppar,
Thanks for reaching out us about reducing the spacing on the homepage. I’ve had a look at the site and noticed that there’s two places where the margins need to be reduced that’s a little different than the code you found, as I found a different code that involves reducing the margins for two separate blocks.
Can you please try adding this code to your site:
/* Fix homepage block spacing issue */
#post-536 > div > div.wp-container-10.wp-block-group.alignfull.align-fullwidth-custom.has-background > div > div.wp-block-columns.has-white-background-color.has-background .wp-block-column, #post-536 > div > div.wp-container-10.wp-block-group.alignfull.align-fullwidth-custom.has-background > div > div.wp-block-columns.has-white-background-color.has-background .wp-block-columns {
margin-bottom: 0!important;
I’ve made an exception here and customized the code a bit for your site, so it’s little longer than the usual code. The reason for that is because the margins get reduced on all the blocks otherwise and because those already have the correct spacing, they end up with no spacing at all. So I’ve set the code to only apply to the section you shared in the screenshot.
Here’s what the spacing looks like before the code above was added to the site:

Link to image: https://d.pr/i/qWQIU6
And here’s what the spacing above looks like after the code was added:

Link to image: https://d.pr/i/K8sxpZ
Does that work for you?