• Hi,

    I have never created any short code and I have no idea about php.
    I followed some blogs to see how this can be done but didn’t get anything relevant to my question.

    If you see my website, for example this post I am adding content (Share Your Whatsapp Puzzle) at the end of every post. The content I am adding is result of many other shortcodes.

    I want to create another sortcode and paste them all within this, and wonder if this is actually possible or not, if yes, how can this be achieved.

    Thanks you very much in advance.

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  • try working with do_shortcode() in your shortcode function;


    Thread Starter iavinash


    Thanks Alchymyth

    For now could you please tell me that i need to write those codes again already written by the other short codes or I can use the short codes directly inside the code.

    To make it clear, let say I have following two short codes

    [HELLO] = To print Hello
    [World] = To print World

    Now i want to make a new short code [MESSAGE] which should print those two messages. Is it possible to use those two shortcodes directly inside this new short code?


    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Try it with this in your (child) theme’s functions.php file.

    // your shortcode: [my_shortcode]
    function my_shortcode_func( $atts ) {
    	echo do_shortcode('[HELLO]');
    	echo do_shortcode('[World]');
    	return ob_get_clean();
    add_shortcode( 'my_shortcode', 'my_shortcode_func' );


    consider creating a child theme instead of editing your theme directly – if you upgrade the theme all your modifications will be lost. Or create a plugin with the code above.

    Thread Starter iavinash


    Thanks keesiemeijer,

    I have created child them and working on that.

    Above code is working fine but I need to explore couple of more things like how to add few other texts and hyperlink between those two short codes.

    function my_shortcode(){

    // this should be inside my short code
    Thanks for visiting my website below are the recently published article
    [SHORTCODE1] Retrive latest 10 posts [SHORTCODE1]
    if you like this website please also suscribe
    [SHORTCODE2] Display Scuscription box [SHORTCODE1]
    if you would like, you can also contribute in this forum
    [SHORTCODE3] Option to write guest post [SHORTCODE3]

    } add_shortcode(‘my_shortcode’, ‘my_shortcode’);

    Short codes I have used SHORTCODE1,SHORTCODE2 and SHORTCODE3 are already available and working. I just need to integrate them within MY_SHORTCODE

    I am exploring few other blogs and hope to get something..
    If you think you can help me further or give me some reference, please do me a favor, but at the same time I respect your time also.


    Moderator keesiemeijer


    You can echo anything you want between the shortcodes

    // your shortcode: [my_shortcode]
    function my_shortcode_func( $atts ) {
    	echo "Thanks for visiting my website below are the recently published article";
    	echo do_shortcode('[SHORTCODE1] Retrive latest 10 posts [SHORTCODE1]');
    	echo "if you like this website please also suscribe";
    	echo do_shortcode('[SHORTCODE2] Display Scuscription box [SHORTCODE1]');
    	echo "if you would like, you can also contribute in this forum";
    	echo do_shortcode('[SHORTCODE3] Option to write guest post [SHORTCODE3]');
    	return ob_get_clean();
    add_shortcode( 'my_shortcode', 'my_shortcode_func' );

    Thread Starter iavinash


    Thanks keesiemeijer,

    This is working pretty well. Thank for your time.
    Now I am running with one small fix.

    If I need to use a shortcode withing a short codes its not working.
    For example if my code is like this [SHORTCODE2] is not working.

    echo do_shortcode(‘[SHORTCODE1]fex text [SHORTCODE2] few more text [/SHORTCODE2]few text [/[SHORTCODE1]]’);

    If i give like this again [SHORTCODE1] is not woeking

    echo do_shortcode(‘[SHORTCODE1]’);

    echo do_shortcode(‘[SHORTCODE2] few text [SHORTCODE2]’);

    echo do_shortcode(‘[/SHORTCODE1]’);

    These nested short codes work fine if i use them within the post. They are not just working with my custom short code.

    Thanks for all your help so far.

    is your SHORTCODE1 function programmed with ‘do_shortcode() in its code?



    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Not sure if this will work, but give it a try

    // store shortcode SHORTCODE2 in a variable
    $shortcode2 = do_shortcode( '[SHORTCODE2] few more text [/SHORTCODE2]' );
    // echo SHORTCODE1 with SHORTCODE2 nested within.
    echo do_shortcode('[SHORTCODE1]few text' . $shortcode2 . 'few text [/[SHORTCODE1]]' );

    Thread Starter iavinash


    Hi keesiemeijer,

    Will it be possible for you to check the syntax again.

    Following line is breaking my sites

    echo do_shortcode('[SHORTCODE1]few text' . $shortcode2 . 'few text [/[SHORTCODE1]]' );


    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Try it with this:

    echo do_shortcode('[SHORTCODE1]few text' . $shortcode2 . 'few text [/SHORTCODE1]' );

    Can you post all the code for your new shortcode here.

    Thread Starter iavinash


    Hi keesiemeijer,

    Sorry to say but problem still persists.
    Maybe problem is with first line.

    Here is the original code

    function my_shortcode_func( $atts ) {
    echo "Answer : Please click on one of the button below to see the answer";
    $shortcode2 do_shortcode('[toggle title="Click here for the answer" state="close"] Answer [/toggle]');
    echo do_shortcode('[sociallocker]' . $shortcode2 . '[/sociallocker]' );
    return ob_get_clean();
    add_shortcode( 'my_shortcode', 'my_shortcode_func' );

    Without shortcode, inside post they would be placed like this

    [toggle title="Click here for the answer" state="close"]

    and the output of the above sample post can be seen here


    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Change this

    $shortcode2 do_shortcode( '[toggle title="Click here for the answer" state="close"] Answer [/toggle]' );

    to this

    $shortcode2 = do_shortcode( '[toggle title="Click here for the answer" state="close"] Answer [/toggle]' );

    Thread Starter iavinash


    Hi keesiemeijer

    This is to update you that above line of code is working fine.
    I am checking couple of other things and than will mark this post resolved.

    Thanks for all your help.

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    You’re welcome ??

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