• Resolved Talha Imam



    We’re using this plugin to host online meetings which can be joined via browser without logging into zoom.

    We were wondering if we can change the ‘zoom-meetings’ slug to something else, for e.g. to ‘online-meetings’. Is this possible or the whole plugin is designed around this slug? If possible, then how?


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  • Plugin Contributor digamberpradhan


    Hi @talhaimam ,

    You can change the slud of the meetings. To do this you will have to add the following code to your child themes functions.php file.

    function vczapi_zoom_meeting_slug_change(){
    	return 'online-meetings';

    After doing so – go to Admin > Settings > Permalinks and click save.
    This will flush the permalinks and the new slug will take effect.

    Thread Starter Talha Imam


    @digamberpradhan Thanks, worked like a charm.

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