Well, I went poking around and it looks like this bit of CSS controls it:
.wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-item {
margin: 8px;
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
position: relative;
But this also affects the following CSS:
.wp-block-gallery.columns-3 .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery.columns-3 .blocks-gallery-item {
width: calc(100% / 3 - 16px);
So, to make the separation 4px, use the following in your theme’s style.css:
.wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-item {
margin: 2px;
.wp-block-gallery.columns-3 .blocks-gallery-image, .wp-block-gallery.columns-3 .blocks-gallery-item {
width: calc(100% / 3 - 4px);
But, this will only affect it on the front-end. It will still be larger in the editor itself. But, yeah, would be nice if there was a way to change the separation in the UI directly.
In my playing around with it.. don’t care for the Image Caption shadow. It shouldn’t extend past the image itself I think. Anyway, separate issue. Well, adding the following to theme’s style.css corrects the caption shadow:
.wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-image figcaption, .wp-block-gallery .blocks-gallery-item figcaption {
padding: 40px 0px 5px;
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by